
Survival mechanisms in Antarctic lakes.




In Antarctic lakes, organisms are confronted by continuous low temperatures as well as a poor light climate and nutrient limitation. Such extreme environments support truncated food webs with no fish, few metazoans and a dominance of microbial plankton. The key to success lies in entering the short Antarctic summer with actively growing populations. In many cases, the most successful organisms continue to function throughout the year. The few crustacean zooplankton remain active in the winter months, surviving on endogenous energy reserves and, in some cases, continuing development. Among the Protozoa, mixotrophy is an important nutritional strategy. In the extreme lakes of the McMurdo Dry Valleys, planktonic cryptophytes are forced to sustain a mixotrophic strategy and cannot survive by photosynthesis alone. The dependence on ingesting bacteria varies seasonally and with depth in the water column. In the Vestfold Hills, Pyramimonas, which dominates the plankton of some of the saline lakes, also resorts to mixotrophy, but does become entirely photosynthetic at mid-summer. Mixotrophic ciliates are also common and the entirely photosynthetic ciliate Mesodinium rubrum has a widespread distribution in the saline lakes of the Vestfold Hills, where it attains high concentrations. Bacteria continue to grow all year, showing cycles that appear to be related to the availability of dissolved organic carbon. In saline lakes, bacteria experience sub-zero temperatures for long periods of the year and have developed biochemical adaptations that include anti-freeze proteins, changes in the concentrations of polyunsaturated fatty acids in their membranes and suites of low-temperature enzymes.
机译:在南极湖泊中,生物体面临持续的低温以及恶劣的气候和营养限制。这种极端的环境支持没有鱼,没有后生动物和占主导地位的微生物浮游生物的截断食物网。成功的关键在于进入人口活跃的南极夏季。在许多情况下,最成功的生物会在一年中继续发挥作用。少数甲壳类浮游动物在冬季保持活动状态,依靠内源性能量储备生存,在某些情况下还可以持续发展。在原生动物中,混合营养是重要的营养策略。在麦克默多干旱谷的极端湖泊中,浮游隐生植物被迫维持混养策略,仅靠光合作用就无法生存。对摄入细菌的依赖性随季节和水柱深度的变化而变化。在维斯特福德山(Vestfold Hills),支配部分盐湖浮游生物的金字塔形藻也采取混合营养,但在仲夏时分完全变成了光合作用。混合营养的纤毛虫也很常见,完全光合的纤毛虫中生红景天在韦斯特福尔希尔斯的盐湖中分布很广,在那里浓度很高。细菌全年持续增长,显示出与溶解有机碳的可获得性有关的周期。在盐湖中,细菌一年中长期处于低于零温度的状态,并且已经发展出生化适应性,包括抗冻蛋白,膜中多不饱和脂肪酸浓度的变化以及一系列低温酶。



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