首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Virology >The requirement for a 5 stem-loop structure in brome mosaic virus replication supports a new model for viral positive-strand RNA initiation.

The requirement for a 5 stem-loop structure in brome mosaic virus replication supports a new model for viral positive-strand RNA initiation.




Sequences with strong similarity to internal control regions 1 and 2 (ICR1 and -2; A and B boxes) of tRNA genes are found at the 5' termini of the genomic RNAs of brome mosaic virus (BMV) and other plant viruses. The functionality of these motifs was studied by introducing point mutations into the ICR2-like sequence of pRNA-2 M/S, a BMV RNA-2 deletion mutant that replicates in the presence of RNAs-1 and -2 but does not encode a functional viral protein. The accumulation of positive-strand progeny from pRNAs bearing single and double base substitutions was 70 to 91% lower than that of the wild type, while the addition of single bases at position 8 of this motif reduced replication by 80%. These dramatic decreases in positive-strand synthesis paralleled decreases in transcription seen (C. Traboni, G. Ciliberto, and R. Cortese, Cell 36:179-187, 1984) from a tRNAPro gene containing similar mutations, suggesting comparable functions for the ICR regions in protein factor binding and demonstrating that a wild-type composition of the virus ICR2-like motif is required for proper RNA replication. Substitutions introduced at bases surrounding the ICR2 motif yielded levels of pRNA replication that differed, depending on the maintenance of a putative 5' stem-loop structure in the positive strand of the viral genome. Mutations disrupting this positive-strand stem-loop while maintaining the integrity of the complementary negative-strand structure reduced pRNA replication by 85 to 97%. In contrast, disruption of the negative-strand structure while maintaining the positive-strand stem-loop did not reduce pRNA replication. Similar positive-strand structures can be predicted to form from 5' sequences of cucumber mosaic virus (strain Q) and cowpea chlorotic mottle virus RNAs-1 and -2, supporting the concept that such structures comprise an integral part of virus genomic positive-strand promoters. The requirement of a stem-loop structure present on the positive-strand provided the basis for a new model describing how these sequence and structural elements act in the production of virus positive-strand RNA.
机译:与tRNA基因的内部控制区1和2(ICR1和-2; A和B框)具有高度相似性的序列位于溴化花叶病毒(BMV)和其他植物病毒的基因组RNA的5'末端。通过将点突变引入pRNA-2 M / S的ICR2样序列中来研究这些基序的功能,pRNA-2 M / S是BMV RNA-2缺失突变体,可在RNAs-1和-2存在时复制但不编码功能性病毒蛋白。来自带有单碱基和双碱基取代的pRNA的正链子代的积累比野生型低70%至91%,而在此基序的8位添加单碱基使复制减少了80%。从包含类似突变的tRNAPro基因中,正链合成的这些显着下降与转录下降平行(C. Traboni,G. Ciliberto和R. Cortese,Cell 36:179-187,1984),表明ICR具有可比的功能蛋白质因子结合中的两个区域,表明适当的RNA复制需要病毒ICR2样基序的野生型组成。在围绕ICR2基序的碱基处引入的取代产生的pRNA复制水平不同,这取决于病毒基因组正链中假定的5'茎环结构的维持情况。突变破坏了该正链茎环,同时保持了互补负链结构的完整性,使pRNA复制减少了85%至97%。相反,在维持正链茎环的同时破坏负链结构不会减少pRNA复制。可以预测,黄瓜花叶病毒(Q株)和chloro豆绿斑驳病毒RNAs-1和-2的5'序列会形成相似的正链结构,从而支持这种结构构成病毒基因组正链必不可少的部分的概念。发起人。正链上存在茎环结构的要求为描述这些序列和结构元件如何在病毒正链RNA产生中起作用的新模型提供了基础。



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