首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Parasite >A description of Echinorhynchus baeri Kostylew 1928 (Acanthocephala: Echinorhynchidae) from Salmo trutta in Turkey with notes on synonymy geographical origins geological history molecular profile and X-ray microanalysis

A description of Echinorhynchus baeri Kostylew 1928 (Acanthocephala: Echinorhynchidae) from Salmo trutta in Turkey with notes on synonymy geographical origins geological history molecular profile and X-ray microanalysis

机译:土耳其Salmo trutta的Echinorhynchus baeri Kostylew1928年的描述(棘头龙:Echinorhynchidae)并记录了同义词地理起源地质历史分子概况和X射线显微分析



A population of Echinorhynchus baeri Kostylew, 1928 with 18–24 rows of 8–10 proboscis hooks each and long fusiform eggs measuring 95–110 × 18–22 μm collected from Salmo trutta (Salmonidae) in a branch of the Murat River in Turkey is described and specimens are designated as neotype. Specimens of two similar populations of E. baeri (E. baeri Kostylew, 1928 and E. sevani Dinnik, 1932) were previously described from Salmo ischchan in Lake Sevan, Armenia. Waters of Lake Sevan and the Murat River were previously joined during the Middle Miocene-Pliocene. The two populations from Lake Sevan and ours from Turkey had identical morphology and size eggs. The proboscis armature and eggs, among other features of our Turkish specimens, proved intermediate between E. baeri and E. sevani, thus eliminating the significance of the described differences between these two species and confirming their synonymy with priority to Echinorhynchus baeri (junior synonym: Echinorhynchus sevani Dinnik, 1932). Echinorhynchus baeri is apparently a highly variable species. The two descriptions from Lake Sevan did not include features or illustrations of females, except for references to trunk and egg size but the eggs were illustrated. Complete morphometric comparisons are made and females of the Turkish material are described for the first time. DNA sequencing (mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene; nuclear 18S rRNA gene) results from two available E. baeri individuals were equivocal. New features to the Acanthocephala include the presence of rootless uncalcified apical proboscis hooks studied with X-ray microanalysis.
机译:1928年的Echinorhynchus baeri Kostylew种群是从土耳其穆拉特河的一个分支中的Salmo trutta(Salmonidae)采集的长18到24行的8-10个长鼻钩和长梭形卵,大小为95-110×18-22μm描述和标本被指定为新类型。先前从亚美尼亚塞凡湖的萨尔莫·伊施查恩(Salmo ischchan)描述了两个类似的大肠埃希氏菌(E. baeri Kostylew,1928和E. sevani Dinnik,1932)的标本。塞万湖和穆拉特河的水域以前曾在中新世-上新世时期汇合。来自塞凡湖的两个种群和来自土耳其的我们的种群具有相同的形态和大小的卵。在我们的土耳其标本中,长鼻衔铁和卵具有其他特征,被证明介于大肠埃希氏菌和大肠埃希氏菌之间,因此消除了上述两个物种之间所描述的差异的重要性,并确认了它们与埃奇诺希汉氏ba虫同义(初级同义: Echinorhynchus sevani Dinnik,1932年。 ba棘鱼显然是高度易变的物种。塞凡湖的两个描述没有提及雌性的特征或插图,除了提及树干和卵的大小,但对卵进行了说明。进行了完整的形态比较,并首次描述了土耳其材质的雌性。来自两个可用的大肠杆菌的DNA测序(线粒体细胞色素氧化酶亚基I基因;核18S rRNA基因)的结果是模棱两可的。 Acanthocephala的新功能包括使用X射线显微分析研究的无根,未钙化的根尖长鼻钩。




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