首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>The Pan African Medical Journal >Sacroiliites infectieuses dans le centre tunisien: étude rétrospective de 25 cas

Sacroiliites infectieuses dans le centre tunisien: étude rétrospective de 25 cas




Infectious sacroiliitis are rare but they can be complicated by disabling functional sequelae. To describe the clinical and bacteriological characteristics of infectious sacroiliitis among patients treated in Sousse Medical Center, Tunisia. A retrospective, descriptive study, of infectious sacroiliitis among patients hositalized in Sousse between 2000 and 2015. The diagnosis was made on the basis of medical signs, imaging, microbiological indicators. In the study were enrolled twenty five patients, 10 men and 15 women; the average age was 41 years (19-78). Sacroiliitis were due to pyogenic bacteria in 14 cases (56%), brucella bacteria in 6 cases (24%) and tuberculosis bacteria in 5 cases (20%). The mean duration of symptoms was 61, 45 and 402 days respectively. The most common clinical signs were buttock pain (92%) and fever (88%). Standard radiographic evaluation was abnormal in 75% of cases. CT scan and MRI of the sacroiliac joints was performed in all cases. The diagnosis was bacteriologically confirmed in 24 cases (96%). The average duration of antibiotic treatment was 83 days in the pyogenic sacroiliitis, and 102 days in brucellar sacroiliitis. The evolution was favorable in 12 patients (48%), 9 patients (36%) had sequelae of sacroiliac joint pain and 4 patients (16%) died. In our study, time frame of infectious sacroiliitis evolution did not predict the causative bacterium, hence the need for bacteriological documentation in order to prescribe appropriate antibiotic therapy.
机译:传染性sa菌炎很少见,但禁用功能性后遗症会使其复杂化。目的描述突尼斯苏斯医学中心治疗的患者感染性cro菌炎的临床和细菌学特征。对2000年至2015年在苏斯市住院的感染性sa菌炎进行的一项回顾性描述性研究。该诊断是根据医学体征,影像学和微生物指标进行的。该研究共招募了25位患者,其中10位男性和15位女性;平均年龄为41岁(19-78岁)。关节炎是化脓性细菌14例(56%),布鲁氏菌6例(24%)和结核菌5例(20%)。症状的平均持续时间分别为61、45和402天。最常见的临床症状是臀部疼痛(92%)和发烧(88%)。在75%的病例中,标准放射学评估异常。所有病例均进行the关节的CT扫描和MRI检查。经细菌学确诊的病例为24例(96%)。化脓性sa关节炎的平均抗生素治疗时间为83天,布鲁氏菌sa炎的平均抗生素治疗时间为102天。 12例(48%),9例(36%)患有sa关节痛后遗症,4例(16%)死亡,进展良好。在我们的研究中,传染性sa菌演变的时间框架无法预测病原菌,因此需要细菌学文献以开出适当的抗生素治疗方案。



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