
Neuroacanthocytosis Syndromes




Neuroacanthocytosis (NA) syndromes are a group of genetically defined diseases characterized by the association of red blood cell acanthocytosis and progressive degeneration of the basal ganglia. NA syndromes are exceptionally rare with an estimated prevalence of less than 1 to 5 per 1'000'000 inhabitants for each disorder. The core NA syndromes include autosomal recessive chorea-acanthocytosis and X-linked McLeod syndrome which have a Huntington´s disease-like phenotype consisting of a choreatic movement disorder, psychiatric manifestations and cognitive decline, and additional multi-system features including myopathy and axonal neuropathy. In addition, cardiomyopathy may occur in McLeod syndrome. Acanthocytes are also found in a proportion of patients with autosomal dominant Huntington's disease-like 2, autosomal recessive pantothenate kinase-associated neurodegeneration and several inherited disorders of lipoprotein metabolism, namely abetalipoproteinemia (Bassen-Kornzweig syndrome) and hypobetalipoproteinemia leading to vitamin E malabsorption. The latter disorders are characterized by a peripheral neuropathy and sensory ataxia due to dorsal column degeneration, but movement disorders and cognitive impairment are not present. NA syndromes are caused by disease-specific genetic mutations. The mechanism by which these mutations cause neurodegeneration is not known. The association of the acanthocytic membrane abnormality with selective degeneration of the basal ganglia, however, suggests a common pathogenetic pathway. Laboratory tests include blood smears to detect acanthocytosis and determination of serum creatine kinase. Cerebral magnetic resonance imaging may demonstrate striatal atrophy. Kell and Kx blood group antigens are reduced or absent in McLeod syndrome. Western blot for chorein demonstrates absence of this protein in red blood cells of chorea-acanthocytosis patients. Specific genetic testing is possible in all NA syndromes. Differential diagnoses include Huntington disease and other causes of progressive hyperkinetic movement disorders. There are no curative therapies for NA syndromes. Regular cardiologic studies and avoidance of transfusion complications are mandatory in McLeod syndrome. The hyperkinetic movement disorder may be treated as in Huntington disease. Other symptoms including psychiatric manifestations should be managed in a symptom-oriented manner. NA syndromes have a relentlessly progressive course usually over two to three decades.
机译:神经棘皮细胞增多症(NA)综合征是一组遗传学上定义为疾病的疾病,其特征在于红细胞棘皮细胞增多症和基底神经节进行性变性。 NA综合征非常罕见,每种疾病的患病率估计每1 000 000居民中不到1-5。核心的NA综合征包括常染色体隐性遗传性隐球菌吞噬症和X链McLeod综合征,它们具有类似于亨廷顿舞蹈病的表型,包括舞蹈运动障碍,精神病表现和认知能力下降,以及包括肌病和轴突性神经病在内的多系统性特征。 。此外,McLeod综合征可能会发生心肌病。在一定比例的常染色体显性遗传性亨廷顿氏病样2,常染色体隐性泛酸激酶相关的神经变性以及脂蛋白代谢的几种遗传性疾病中也发现了棘皮动物,即abetalipoproteinemia(Bassen-Kornzweig综合征)和低betalipoproteinemia导致维生素E吸收不良。后一种疾病的特征是由于背柱退变引起的周围神经病变和感觉性共济失调,但不存在运动障碍和认知障碍。 NA综合症是由疾病特定的基因突变引起的。这些突变引起神经退行性变的机制尚不清楚。然而,棘细胞膜异常与基底神经节的选择性变性的相关性提示了一条常见的致病途径。实验室检查包括血液涂片以检测棘皮细胞增多症和确定血清肌酸激酶。脑磁共振成像可能显示纹状体萎缩。 McLeod综合征中的Kell和Kx血型抗原减少或缺失。胰蛋白酶的蛋白质印迹表明,该蛋白在胆囊棘皮细胞增多症患者的红细胞中不存在。在所有NA综合征中都可以进行特定的基因检测。鉴别诊断包括亨廷顿病和进行性运动亢进性疾病的其他原因。没有针对NA综合征的治疗方法。在McLeod综合征中,必须定期进行心脏检查和避免输血并发症。过度运动障碍可以像亨廷顿舞蹈病一样治疗。其他症状,包括精神病表现,应以症状为导向进行管理。 NA综合征通常在两到三十年间会不断发展。



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