
Cone rod dystrophies




Cone rod dystrophies (CRDs) (prevalence 1/40,000) are inherited retinal dystrophies that belong to the group of pigmentary retinopathies. CRDs are characterized by retinal pigment deposits visible on fundus examination, predominantly localized to the macular region. In contrast to typical retinitis pigmentosa (RP), also called the rod cone dystrophies (RCDs) resulting from the primary loss in rod photoreceptors and later followed by the secondary loss in cone photoreceptors, CRDs reflect the opposite sequence of events. CRD is characterized by primary cone involvement, or, sometimes, by concomitant loss of both cones and rods that explains the predominant symptoms of CRDs: decreased visual acuity, color vision defects, photoaversion and decreased sensitivity in the central visual field, later followed by progressive loss in peripheral vision and night blindness. The clinical course of CRDs is generally more severe and rapid than that of RCDs, leading to earlier legal blindness and disability. At end stage, however, CRDs do not differ from RCDs. CRDs are most frequently non syndromic, but they may also be part of several syndromes, such as Bardet Biedl syndrome and Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 7 (SCA7). Non syndromic CRDs are genetically heterogeneous (ten cloned genes and three loci have been identified so far). The four major causative genes involved in the pathogenesis of CRDs are ABCA4 (which causes Stargardt disease and also 30 to 60% of autosomal recessive CRDs), CRX and GUCY2D (which are responsible for many reported cases of autosomal dominant CRDs), and RPGR (which causes about 2/3 of X-linked RP and also an undetermined percentage of X-linked CRDs). It is likely that highly deleterious mutations in genes that otherwise cause RP or macular dystrophy may also lead to CRDs. The diagnosis of CRDs is based on clinical history, fundus examination and electroretinogram. Molecular diagnosis can be made for some genes, genetic counseling is always advised. Currently, there is no therapy that stops the evolution of the disease or restores the vision, and the visual prognosis is poor. Management aims at slowing down the degenerative process, treating the complications and helping patients to cope with the social and psychological impact of blindness.
机译:圆锥杆营养不良(CRD)(患病率1 / 40,000)是遗传性视网膜营养不良,属于色素性视网膜病。 CRD的特征是眼底检查时可见视网膜色素沉积,主要位于黄斑区域。与典型的色素性视网膜炎(RP)(也称为视锥锥营养不良(RCD))不同,它是由视杆感光器的主要损失导致,随后又因视锥感光器的继发损失而引起的,CRD反映了相反的事件序列。 CRD的特征是原发性视锥细胞受累,或者有时视锥细胞和视杆同时丧失,这解释了CRD的主要症状:视力下降,色觉缺陷,光厌恶和中央视野敏感性降低,随后逐渐发展周围视力丧失和夜盲症。 CRD的临床过程通常比RCD更为严重和迅速,从而导致较早的法律失明和残疾。然而,在最后阶段,CRD与RCD并无不同。 CRD最常为非综合症,但也可能是多种综合征的一部分,例如Bardet Biedl综合征和7型脊髓小脑共济失调(SCA7)。非综合征CRD在遗传上是异质的(到目前为止已鉴定出10个克隆基因和3个基因座)。 CRD发病机理中涉及的四个主要致病基因是ABCA4(引起Stargardt病,也占常染色体隐性CRD的30%至60%),CRX和GUCY2D(导致许多报道的常染色体显性CRD病例)和RPGR(这会导致大约2/3的X连锁RP,以及不确定的X连锁CRD百分比)。否则会导致RP或黄斑营养不良的基因中高度有害的突变也可能导致CRD。 CRD的诊断基于临床病史,眼底检查和视网膜电图。可以对某些基因进行分子诊断,始终建议进行遗传咨询。当前,没有疗法可以阻止疾病的发展或恢复视力,并且视觉预后差。管理的目的是减慢变性过程,治疗并发症并帮助患者应对失明的社会和心理影响。



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