首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>The Korean Journal of Parasitology >Echinochasmus caninus n. comb. (Trematoda: Echinostomatidae) Infection in Eleven Riparian People in Khammouane Province Lao PDR

Echinochasmus caninus n. comb. (Trematoda: Echinostomatidae) Infection in Eleven Riparian People in Khammouane Province Lao PDR

机译:棘皮梳子。 (Trematoda:棘皮动物科)老挝人民民主共和国哈姆穆恩省的11名河岸人感染



Adult specimens of Echinochasmus caninus n. comb. (Verma, 1935) (Trematoda: Echinostomatidae) (syn. Episthmium caninum Yamaguti, 1958) were recovered from 11 riparian people who resided along the Mekong River in Khammouane Province, Lao PDR. In fecal examinations done by the Kato-Katz technique, the cases revealed eggs of Opisthorchis viverrini/minute intestinal flukes, hookworms, and in 2 cases echinostome eggs. To recover the adult helminths, praziquantel 30–40 mg/kg and pyrantel pamoate 10–15 mg/kg in a single dose were given and purged with magnesium salts. Various species of trematodes (including O. viverrini and Haplorchis spp.), cestodes, and nematodes were recovered from their diarrheic stools. Among the trematodes, small echinostome flukes (n=42; av. 3.8 specimens per case) of 0.7–1.2 mm in length are subjected in this study. They are morphologically characterized by having 24 collar spines interrupted dorsally and anterior extension of vitellaria from the cirrus sac or genital pore level to the posterior end of the body. Particularly based on this extensive distribution of vitellaria, the specific diagnosis was made as Echinochasmus caninus. The cases were co-infected with various other helminth parasites; thus, clinical manifestations specific for this echinostome infection were difficult to determine. The present paper describes for the first time human E. caninus infections in Lao PDR. Our cases marked the 4–14th human infections with this echinostome around the world following the 3 previous cases reported from Thailand.
机译:棘皮棘鱼的成年标本梳子。 (1935年,Verma)(Trematoda:Echinostomatidae)(1958年,山茱Epi上皮综合症)是从老挝人民民主共和国哈莫穆恩省湄公河沿​​岸的11个河岸居民中找到的。在通过Kato-Katz技术进行的粪便检查中,该病例发现了Opisthorchis viverrini /每分钟肠道吸虫卵,钩虫卵和2例棘突动物卵。为了恢复成虫的蠕虫,单剂量给予吡喹酮30–40 mg / kg和吡ant酸酯10–15 mg / kg,并用镁盐清除。从腹泻的粪便中回收了各种种类的吸虫(包括O. viverrini和Haplorchis spp。),虫和线虫。在这些吸虫中,研究了长度为0.7-1.2毫米的小型棘皮动物(n = 42;每例平均3.8个标本)。它们的形态学特征是有24个颈背棘被中断,do骨的前部延伸从卷囊或生殖器孔水平延伸到身体的后端。特别是根据黄tell的这种广泛分布,作出了特定诊断为犬棘孢。这些病例与其他各种蠕虫寄生虫同时感染。因此,难于确定这种棘突口感染的临床表现。本文首次描述了老挝人民民主共和国的人大肠杆菌感染。在泰国报道的前3例病例之后,我们的病例将这一棘皮动物口罩标记为第4–14例人类感染。



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