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Human transposable elements in Repbase: genomic footprints from fish to humans




Repbase is a comprehensive database of eukaryotic transposable elements (TEs) and repeat sequences, containing over 1300 human repeat sequences. Recent analyses of these repeat sequences have accumulated evidences for their contribution to human evolution through becoming functional elements, such as protein-coding regions or binding sites of transcriptional regulators. However, resolving the origins of repeat sequences is a challenge, due to their age, divergence, and degradation. Ancient repeats have been continuously classified as TEs by finding similar TEs from other organisms. Here, the most comprehensive picture of human repeat sequences is presented. The human genome contains traces of 10 clades (L1, CR1, L2, Crack, RTE, RTEX, R4, Vingi, Tx1 and Penelope) of non-long terminal repeat (non-LTR) retrotransposons (long interspersed elements, LINEs), 3 types (SINE1/7SL, SINE2/tRNA, and SINE3/5S) of short interspersed elements (SINEs), 1 composite retrotransposon (SVA) family, 5 classes (ERV1, ERV2, ERV3, Gypsy and DIRS) of LTR retrotransposons, and 12 superfamilies (Crypton, Ginger1, Harbinger, hAT, Helitron, Kolobok, Mariner, Merlin, MuDR, P, piggyBac and Transib) of DNA transposons. These TE footprints demonstrate an evolutionary continuum of the human genome.
机译:Repbase是一个完整的真核转座因子(TEs)和重复序列数据库,包含1300多个人类重复序列。这些重复序列的最新分析已经积累了证据,表明它们通过成为功能元件(例如蛋白质编码区或转录调节因子的结合位点)而对人类进化做出了贡献。但是,由于重复序列的年龄,差异和降解,解决重复序列的起源是一个挑战。通过从其他生物中发现类似的TE,古代重复序列被连续分类为TE。在这里,展示了人类重复序列的最全面的图片。人类基因组包含10个进化枝(L1,CR1,L2,Crack,RTE,RTEX,R4,Vingi,Tx1和Penelope)的痕迹,这些进化枝是非长末端重复(非LTR)反转录转座子(长散布的元素,LINEs),3短穿插元件(SINE)的类型(SINE1 / 7SL,SINE2 / tRNA和SINE3 / 5S),1个复合逆转座子(SVA)家族,5类LTR逆转座子(ERV1,ERV2,ERV3,吉普赛人和DIRS)和12 DNA转座子的超家族(Crypton,Ginger1,Harbinger,hAT,Helitron,Kolobok,Mariner,Merlin,MuDR,P,piggyBac和Transib)。这些TE足迹证明了人类基因组的进化连续性。



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