首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Microbiology Biology Education >Increasing Student Understanding of Microscope Optics by Building and Testing the Limits of Simple Hand-Made Model Microscopes

Increasing Student Understanding of Microscope Optics by Building and Testing the Limits of Simple Hand-Made Model Microscopes




The ability to effectively use a microscope to observe microorganisms is a crucial skill required for many disciplines within biology, especially general microbiology and cell biology. A basic understanding of the optical properties of light microscopes is required for students to use microscopes effectively, but this subject can also be a challenge to make personally interesting to students. To explore basic optical principles of magnification and resolving power in a more engaging and hands-on fashion, students constructed handmade lenses and microscopes based on Antony van Leeuwenhoek’s design using simple materials—paper, staples, glass, and adhesive putty. Students determined the power of their lenses using a green laser pointer to magnify a copper grid of known size, which also allowed students to examine variables affecting the power and resolution of a lens such as diameter, working distance, and wavelength of light. To assess the effectiveness of the laboratory’s learning objectives, four sections of a general microbiology course were given a brief pre-activity assessment quiz to determine their background knowledge on the subject. One week after the laboratory activity, students were given the same quiz (unannounced) under similar conditions. Students showed significant gains in their understanding of microscope optics.
机译:有效使用显微镜观察微生物的能力是生物学(尤其是一般微生物学和细胞生物学)内许多学科所需的一项关键技能。要使学生有效地使用显微镜,必须对光学显微镜的光学特性有基本的了解,但是要使学生个人感兴趣,这也是一个挑战。为了探索一种更具吸引力和动手方式的放大倍数和分辨力的基本光学原理,学生根据安东尼·范·列文虎克(Antony van Leeuwenhoek)的设计,使用简单的材料(纸,订书钉,玻璃和粘合剂腻子)构造了手工透镜和显微镜。学生使用绿色激光指示器放大已知尺寸的铜栅格来确定其镜片的屈光度,这还使学生能够检查影响镜片屈光度和分辨率的变量,例如直径,工作距离和光的波长。为了评估实验室学习目标的有效性,对一般微生物学课程的四个部分进行了简短的活动前评估测验,以确定他们在该主题上的背景知识。实验室活动后一周,学生在相似的条件下进行了相同的测验(未宣布)。学生在对显微镜光学的理解上显示出明显的收获。



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