class='kwd-title'>Method name: Differential incl'/> Dynamics of economic growth: Uncertainty treatment using differential inclusions
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Dynamics of economic growth: Uncertainty treatment using differential inclusions




class="kwd-title">Method name: Differential inclusion solver, Reachable set determination, Mathematical model class="kwd-title">Keywords: Economic model, System dynamics, Risk analysis, Economic growth, Simulation, Differential inclusions, Uncertainty class="head no_bottom_margin" id="abs0010title">AbstractThe article is focused on applications of the differential inclusions to the models of economic growth, rather than the model building. The models are taken from the known literature, and some modifications are introduced to reflect an additional inertia. The aim is to treat the uncertainty in the model parameters by using differential inclusions instead of the stochastic approach. The reachable sets for the models are shown, to assess the possible ranges of the outcome with given parameters uncertainty. The approach may be interpreted as a generalization to the system dynamics methodology, providing attainable sets instead of single model trajectory and simple sensitivity analysis. A comparison with Powersim risk analysis is provided. The models of Solow and Swan, Mankiw, Bhattacharya, Romer and Weil are used. A brief review of the models is given, and several examples of simple simulations, differential inclusion applications and optimization are presented.
机译:<!-fig ft0-> <!-fig @ position =“ anchor” mode =文章f4-> <!-fig mode =“ anchred” f5-> <!-fig / graphic | fig / alternatives / graphic mode =“ anchored” m1-> class =“ kwd-title”>方法名称:微分包含求解器,可到达集合确定,数学模型 class =“ kwd-title”>关键字:经济模型,系统动力学,风险分析,经济增长,模拟,差异包含物,不确定性 class =“ head no_bottom_margin” id =“ abs0010title”>摘要本文重点关注以下方面的应用:经济增长模型中包含的差异性内容,而不是模型构建中的差异性内容。这些模型取自已知文献,并进行了一些修改以反映附加的惯性。目的是通过使用微分包含而不是随机方法来处理模型参数中的不确定性。显示了模型的可达集,以在给定参数不确定性的情况下评估结果的可能范围。该方法可以解释为对系统动力学方法的概括,它提供了可达到的集合,而不是单一模型轨迹和简单的灵敏度分析。提供了与Powersim风险分析的比较。使用了Solow和Swan,Mankiw,Bhattacharya,Romer和Weil的模型。简要回顾了模型,并给出了一些简单模拟,微分包含应用和优化的示例。



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