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Non-invasive and non-destructive measurements of confluence in cultured adherent cell lines




class="kwd-title">Method name: Area Fraction Output Attached Cell Confluency class="kwd-title">Keywords: Confluence, Cell count, Phase-contrast microscopy, ImageJ, Area fraction, Non-destructive class="head no_bottom_margin" id="idm140584016137840title">AbstractMany protocols used for measuring the growth of adherent monolayer cells in vitro are invasive, destructive and do not allow for the continued, undisturbed growth of cells within flasks. Protocols often use indirect methods for measuring proliferation. Microscopy techniques can analyse cell proliferation in a non-invasive or non-destructive manner but often use expensive equipment and software algorithms. In this method images of cells within flasks are captured by photographing under a standard inverted phase contract light microscope using a digital camera with a camera lens adaptor. Images are analysed for confluence using ImageJ freeware resulting in a measure of confluence known as an Area Fraction (AF) output. An example of the AF method in use on OVCAR8 and UPN251 cell lines is included. class="first-line-outdent">
  • • Measurements of confluence from growing adherent cell lines in cell culture flasks is obtained in a non-invasive, non-destructive, label-free manner.
  • • The technique is quick, affordable and eliminates sample manipulation.
  • • The technique provides an objective, consistent measure of when cells reach confluence and is highly correlated to manual counting with a haemocytometer. The average correlation co-efficient from a Spearman correlation (n = 3) was 0.99 ± 0.008 for OVCAR8 (p = 0.01) and 0.99 ± 0.01 for UPN251 (p = 0.01) cell lines.
  • 机译:<!-fig ft0-> <!-fig @ position =“ anchor” mode =文章f4-> <!-fig mode =“ anchred” f5-> <!-fig / graphic | fig / alternatives / graphic mode =“ anchored” m1-> class =“ kwd-title”>方法名称:面积分数输出附着的细胞融合度 class =“ kwd-title”>关键字:融合,细胞计数,相差显微镜,ImageJ,面积分数,无损检测 class =“ head no_bottom_margin” id =“ idm140584016137840840title”>摘要许多用于测量粘附单层细胞生长的方案体外是侵入性的,破坏性的,并且不允许烧瓶内细胞持续,不受干扰地生长。协议通常使用间接方法来测量增殖。显微镜技术可以以非侵入性或非破坏性的方式分析细胞增殖,但通常使用昂贵的设备和软件算法。在这种方法中,通过使用带有相机镜头适配器的数码相机在标准的倒相光学显微镜下拍照,来捕获烧瓶中的细胞图像。使用ImageJ免费软件分析图像的融合度,从而得出融合度的一种度量,称为面积分数(AF)输出。包括在OVCAR8和UPN251细胞系上使用的AF方法的示例。 class =“ first-line-outdent”> <!-list-behavior = simple prefix-word = mark-type = none max-label -size = 9->
  • •以无创,无破坏性,无标签的方式获得了细胞培养瓶中生长的贴壁细胞系的汇合度。 < li id =“ lsti0010”>•该技术快速,负担得起并且消除了样品处理。
  • •该技术为细胞何时达到融合提供了客观,一致的度量,并且与细胞高度相关用血球计数器手动计数。 Spearman相关性的平均相关系数(n = 3)对于OVCAR8(p = 0.01)和UPN251(p = 0.01)细胞系为0.99±0.008。
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