首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Memrias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz >Biocontrol evaluation of extracts and a major component clusianone fromClusia fluminensis Planch. Triana against Aedesaegypti

Biocontrol evaluation of extracts and a major component clusianone fromClusia fluminensis Planch. Triana against Aedesaegypti

机译:提取物和主要成分氯苏酮的生物防治评价Clusia fluminensis Planch。 &Triana对伊蚊埃及



Studies evaluated the effects of hexanic extracts from the fruits and flowers ofClusia fluminensis and the main component of the flower extract, a purified benzophenone (clusianone), against Aedes aegypti. The treatment of larvae with the crude fruit or flower extracts from C. fluminensis did not affect the survival ofAe. aegypti (50 mg/L), however, the flower extracts significantly delayed development of Ae. aegypti. In contrast, the clusianone (50 mg/L) isolate from the flower extract, representing 54.85% of this sample composition, showed a highly significant inhibition of survival, killing 93.3% of the larvae and completely blocking development of Ae. aegypti. The results showed, for the first time, high activity of clusianone against Ae. aegypti that both killed and inhibited mosquito development. Therefore, clusianone has potential for development as a biopesticide for controlling insect vectors of tropical diseases. Future work will elucidate the mode of action of clusianone isolated from C. fluminensis.
机译:研究评估了六氯丁香(Clusia fluminensis)的果实和花朵中的己酸提取物以及该花提取物的主要成分纯化的二苯甲酮(clusianone)对埃及伊蚊的影响。用Fluminensis的粗果或花提取物处理幼虫并不影响Ae的存活。 aegypti(50 mg / L),但是,花提取物显着延迟了Ae的发育。埃及。相比之下,从花提取物中分离得到的clusianone(50 mg / L)占该样品组合物的54.85%,表现出对存活率的高度显着抑制,杀死了93.3%的幼虫并完全阻断了Ae的发育。埃及。结果首次显示了氯苏酮对Ae的高活性。既杀死又抑制蚊子发育的埃及埃及人。因此,clusianone作为控制热带病昆虫媒介的生物农药具有发展潜力。未来的工作将阐明从氟虫梭状芽胞杆菌中分离出的clusianone的作用方式。



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