首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Memrias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz >Waterborne toxoplasmosis investigated and analysed under hydrogeologicalassessment: new data and perspectives for further research

Waterborne toxoplasmosis investigated and analysed under hydrogeologicalassessment: new data and perspectives for further research




We present a set of data on human and chicken Toxoplasma gondii seroprevalence that was investigated and analysed in light of groundwater vulnerability information in an area endemic for waterborne toxoplasmosis in Brazil. Hydrogeological assessment was undertaken to select sites for water collection from wells for T. gondii oocyst testing and for collecting blood from free-range chickens and humans for anti-T. gondii serologic testing. Serologic testing of human specimens was done using conventional commercial tests and a sporozoite-specific embryogenesis-related protein (TgERP), which is able to differentiate whether infection resulted from tissue cysts or oocysts. Water specimens were negative for the presence of viable T. gondii oocysts. However, seroprevalence in free-range chickens was significantly associated with vulnerability of groundwater to surface contamination (p < 0.0001; odds ratio: 4.73, 95% confidence interval: 2.18-10.2). Surprisingly, a high prevalence of antibodies against TgERP was detected in human specimens, suggesting the possibility of a continuous contamination of drinking water with T. gondii oocysts in this endemic setting. These findings and the new proposed approach to investigate and analyse endemic toxoplasmosis in light of groundwater vulnerabilityinformation associated with prevalence in humans estimated by oocyst antigensrecognition have implications for the potential role of hydrogeological assessment inresearching waterborne toxoplasmosis at a global scale.
机译:我们提供了一组关于人类和鸡的弓形虫血清流行率的数据,根据巴西水传播弓形虫病流行地区的地下水脆弱性信息进行了调查和分析。进行了水文地质评估,以选择从井中收集水进行弓形虫卵囊测试的场所,并从自由放养的鸡和人身上采集血液进行抗T的选择。刚地血清学测试。人体标本的血清学测试使用常规的商业测试和子孢子特异性胚胎发生相关蛋白(TgERP)进行,该蛋白能够区分感染是由组织囊肿还是卵囊引起的。水样对存在的弓形虫卵囊阴性。但是,散养鸡的血清阳性率与地下水对表面污染的脆弱性显着相关(p <0.0001;优势比:4.73,95%置信区间:2.18-10.2)。出人意料的是,在人类标本中检测到高抗TgERP抗体,这表明在这种地方性流行环境中,可能会持续感染刚地弓形虫卵囊的饮用水。这些发现和根据地下水脆弱性调查和分析地方性弓形虫病的新方法卵囊抗原估计与人类患病率有关的信息认识对水文地质评估在在全球范围内研究水性弓形虫病。



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