首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Memrias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz >Phlebotomus (Legeromyia) multihamatus subg. nov. sp. nov. fromGabon (Diptera: Psychodidae)

Phlebotomus (Legeromyia) multihamatus subg. nov. sp. nov. fromGabon (Diptera: Psychodidae)

机译:百日草(Legeromyia)multihamatus subg。十一月sp。十一月从加蓬(双翅目:科)



During a research project aimed at the study of the Culicinae fauna of Gabon and carried out in the National Park of La Lopé, we captured an unknown sandfly male specimen (genus Phlebotomus) by CDC miniature light trap belonging to a new species for Science. Furthermore, the originality of his genitalia does not allow us to include this species in one of the existing subgenus, thus in this paper we propose the creation of a new subgenus, as Phlebotomus (Legeromyia) multihamatus sp. nov., subg. nov. described from the National Park of La Lopé, through one male captured with CDC miniature light trap. A new species and a new subgenus of sandfly is characterised by a short style with three spines, a paramere wearing a basal hook as well as a basal pouch and the absence of basal lobe on the coxite. The originality of the genitalia of the male gives way to discussion about potential primary homologies between P. multihamatus sp. nov. and Phlebotomus (Abonnencius) fortunatarum, Phlebotomus (Anaphlebotomus) stantoni and Phlebotomus (Euphlebotomus) argentipes, which should be verified for future studies. The discovery of this new species in Gabon must encourage the study of sandflies inthis country.
机译:在旨在研究加蓬葫芦科动物的研究项目中,在拉洛佩国家公园进行了一项研究,我们利用CDC微型光阱捕获了一个未知的sand蝇雄性标本(Phlebotomus属),该捕获器属于科学新物种。此外,他生殖器的独创性不允许我们将该物种包括在现有的一个亚属中,因此,在本文中,我们建议创建一个新的亚属,如百日草(Legeromyia)multihamatus sp。 11月,subg。十一月来自拉洛佩国家公园的描述,是由一名被CDC微型光阱捕获的雄性捕获的。沙蝇的一个新物种和一个新的亚属的特点是具有三个刺的短样式,一个戴着基钩和基袋的巴拉米尔,并且在柯克石上没有基叶。雄性生殖器的独创性让位于讨论多角假单胞菌(P. multihamatus sp。)十一月以及竹节鱼(Abonnencius)fortunatarum,竹节鱼(Anaphlebotomus)stantoni和竹节鱼(Euphlebotomus)Argentipes,应加以验证以备将来研究。在加蓬发现这种新物种必须鼓励对沙in的研究。这个国家。



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