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AB028. Current status of pharmacotherapy for erectile dysfunction




The advent of phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibition as oral therapy has significantly revolutionized both clinical and basic research in the area of erectile dysfunction (ED). Much of this progress is due to a better understanding in the last three decades of the various pathophysiological and cellular mechanisms contributing to ED. Apart from the three available PDE5 inhibitors viz., sildenafil, tadalafil and vardenafil globally at the turn of this century, four other PDE inhibitors have joined the armament in recent time; these include avanafil, lodenafil, mirodenafil and udenafil. All seven PDE inhibitors are effective therapies for the treatment of ED in men. There is no significant difference among them with respect to efficacy, safety profile and tolerability. As such, good safety profiles have widened the horizon in patient choice, selectivity and efficacy. With the ease of oral administration and better patient compliance, other measures of the past, including intracavernosal injections and non-pharmacological treatments have been relegated to second-line therapy for most patients with ED. But, PDE inhibitors as first-line oral therapies are effective in about 75% of male patients diagnosed with ED. Intracavernous injection (IC) therapy with PGE1 (alprostadil) for about 10% patient-usage in general is a well-known effective and well tolerated treatment for men with ED. It is also recommended as a second line therapy for ED along with urethral and topical PGE1. Transurethral PGE1 is less effective compared to IC PGE1. Also the transurethral dosage options are 125 to 1,000 µg, while the IC dosage options are 5 to 40 µg. The topical PGE1 (300 µg in 100 mg of the cream) is also less effective compared to IC PGE1. Topical cream is not approved in many countries as yet. Other existing vasoactive agents such as papaverine, and alpha adrenergic blockers and their combinations and the ever increasing number of other agents in the pipeline including nitric oxide donors, guanylate cyclase activators, potassium channel openers and Rho-kinase inhibitors with the potential to overcome some limitations of the existing measures offer significant promise of clinical application in refractory and resistant cases. The TriMix preparations usually contain PGE1, papaverine and phentolamine in formulation compounded in pharmacies. Several clinical studies have also tested the efficacy of yohimbine, L-arginine, cyclic adenosine monophosphate activators, melanocortin-stimulating hormone analogs, endothelin antagonists in addition to vasoactive intestinal polypeptide and calcitonin gene related peptide with variable success rates. Trazodone, a serotonin antagonist and reuptake inhibitor was shown to improve premature ejaculation and erectile function in psychogenic cases of ED. Cloning of inducible nitric oxide synthase has opened a new era in the use of gene therapy for ED and the day for stem cells therapy and autologous penile tissue implants is not too far. Thus, ongoing research worldwide will continue to define new roles for various modalities targeted at specific sites in the erectile pathway and these advances will ultimately enable the clinicians to make the most appropriate therapeutic or other selections for individual patients including possible permanent reversal of organic ED.
机译:口服疗法对5型磷酸二酯酶(PDE5)的抑制作用的出现极大地革新了勃起功能障碍(ED)领域的临床和基础研究。大部分进展归因于在过去的三十年中人们对ED的各种病理生理和细胞机制有了更好的了解。除了本世纪之初全球范围内三种可用的PDE5抑制剂,即西地那非,他达拉非和伐地那非之外,最近还有四种其他PDE抑制剂加入了武装。这些包括阿伐那非,洛地那非,米罗那非和乌地那非。所有七种PDE抑制剂都是治疗男性ED的有效疗法。在功效,安全性和耐受性方面,它们之间没有显着差异。因此,良好的安全性概况拓宽了患者选择,选择性和功效的范围。由于易于口服和更好的患者依从性,过去的其他措施,包括腔内注射和非药物治疗,已被大多数二线ED患者转为二线治疗。但是,PDE抑制剂作为一线口服疗法对诊断为ED的男性患者中约75%有效。一般而言,用PGE1(前列地尔)进行腔内注射(IC)治疗约占患者使用量的10%,是众所周知的对ED男性有效且耐受性良好的治疗方法。还建议将其与尿道和局部PGE1一起作为ED的二线治疗。与IC PGE1相比,经尿道PGE1疗效较差。同样,经尿道剂量选择为125至1,000 µg,而IC剂量选择为5至40 µg。与IC PGE1相比,局部用PGE1(每100毫克乳膏中含300 µg)效果也较差。局部乳膏在许多国家尚未得到批准。其他现有的血管活性剂,例如罂粟碱和α肾上腺素能阻滞剂及其组合,以及管道中其他试剂的数量不断增加,包括一氧化氮供体,鸟苷酸环化酶激活剂,钾通道开放剂和Rho激酶抑制剂,它们有可能克服某些局限性现有措施中的一项为在难治性和耐药性病例中的临床应用提供了重大希望。 TriMix制剂通常在药房配制的配方中含有PGE1,罂粟碱和酚妥拉明。几项临床研究还测试了育亨宾,L-精氨酸,单磷酸环腺苷激活剂,促黑素皮质激素的激素类似物,内皮素拮抗剂以及血管活性肠多肽和降钙素基因相关肽的疗效,其成功率各不相同。曲唑酮是5-羟色胺拮抗剂和再摄取抑制剂,可改善精神病性ED患者的早泄和勃起功能。诱导型一氧化氮合酶的克隆开辟了基因疗法用于ED的新纪元,而干细胞疗法和自体阴茎组织植入物的日子还不太远。因此,全球范围内正在进行的研究将继续针对针对勃起途径中特定部位的各种方式定义新的作用,这些进展最终将使临床医生能够针对个别患者进行最合适的治疗或其他选择,包括可能永久逆转有机ED。



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