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Coconut Oil Extract Mitigates Testicular Injury Following Adjuvant Treatment with Antiretroviral Drugs




Increased access to highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has made the management of drug toxicities an increasingly crucial component of HIV. This study investigated the effects of adjuvant use of coconut oil and HAART on testicular morphology and seminal parameters in Sprague- Dawley rats. Twelve adult male Sprague-Dawley rats, weighing 153~169 g were distributed into four groups (A–D) and treated as follows: A served as control (distilled water); B (HAART cocktail- Zidovudine, Lamivudine and Nevirapine); C (HAART + Virgin coconut oil 10 mL/kg) and D (Virgin coconut oil 10 mL/kg). After 56 days of treatment, animals were killed and laparotomy to exercise the epididymis for seminal fluid analyses done whilst testicular tissues were processed for histomorphometric studies. Result showed a significant decline in sperm motility (P < 0.05) and count (P < 0.0001) in HAART-treated animals while there was insignificant changes in other parameters in groups C and D except count that was reduced (P < 0.0001) when compared with controls. Histomorphological studies showed HAART caused disorders in seminiferous tubular architecture with significant (P < 0.01) decline in epithelial height closely mirrored by extensive reticulin framework and positive PAS cells. Adjuvant Virgin coconut oil + HAART resulted in significant decrease in seminiferous tubular diameter (P < 0.05), but other morphometric and histological parameters were similar to control or Virgin coconut oil alone (which showed normal histoarchitecture levels). While derangements in testicular and seminal fluid parameters occurred following HAART, adjuvant treatment with Virgin coconut oil restored the distortions emanating thereof.
机译:越来越多的人使用高效抗逆转录病毒疗法(HAART),使得药物毒性的管理已成为HIV日益重要的组成部分。这项研究调查了辅助使用椰子油和HAART对Sprague-Dawley大鼠睾丸形态和精液参数的影响。将十二只成年雄性Sprague-Dawley大鼠(重153〜169 g)分为四组(AD),并按以下方式处理:A作为对照组(蒸馏水); A作为对照组(蒸馏水)。 B(HAART鸡尾酒-齐多夫定,拉米夫定和奈韦拉平); C(HAART +初榨椰子油10 mL / kg)和D(初榨椰子油10 mL / kg)。治疗56天后,处死动物并进行剖腹手术以进行附睾精液分析,同时对睾丸组织进行组织形态测定研究。结果显示,经HAART治疗的动物的精子运动力(P <0.05)和计数(P <0.0001)显着下降,而C和D组的其他参数无明显变化,但计数相比降低了(P <0.0001)与控件。组织形态学研究表明,HAART导致的生精小管结构疾病,上皮高度明显下降(P <0.01),这与广泛的网状蛋白框架和阳性PAS细胞密切相关。佐剂初榨椰子油+ HAART导致曲细精管直径显着减少(P <0.05),但其他形态和组织学参数与单独使用对照或初榨椰子油(显示正常的组织结构水平)相似。 HAART后,睾丸和精液参数发生了变化,而初榨椰子油的辅助治疗则恢复了其畸变。



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