首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Romanian Journal of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care >Acute poisoning due to ingestion of Datura stramonium – a case report

Acute poisoning due to ingestion of Datura stramonium – a case report




Datura stramonium (DS) is a widespread annual plant, containing atropine, hyoscyamine, and scopolamine, which can produce poisoning with a severe anticholinergic syndrome. Teenagers ingest the roots, seeds or the entire plant to obtain its hallucinogenic and euphoric effects. We presented the case of a 22 year old male who was admitted to the Emergency Room in a coma after consuming Datura stramonium, 2 hours earlier. The patient presented with fever, tachycardia with right bundle branch block, and urinary retention. Rapid sequence induction and intubation was performed immediately, with sedation and assisted-control mechanical ventilation, after being transferred to the Intensive Care Unit. The patient received activated charcoal, in repeated doses, external and internal cooling was applied, and an infusion of neostigmine was started. The biological assessment revealed rhabdomyolysis and prevention of renal failure was initiated. After a proper neurological evaluation, 36 hours after using Datura stramonium, the patient was extubated and transferred to the Psychiatric ward for further assessment and care.
机译:曼陀罗(DS)是一种普遍存在的一年生植物,含有阿托品,hyoscyamine和scopolamine,会产生严重的抗胆碱能综合症中毒。青少年摄取其根,种子或整个植物,以获得其致幻和欣快感。我们介绍了一个22岁男性的案例,该男性在2小时前服用曼陀罗后就昏迷了入急诊室。患者出现发烧,心动过速伴右束支传导阻滞和尿retention留。在转移至重症监护室后,立即进行镇静和辅助控制的机械通气,进行快速序列诱导和插管。该患者接受了活性炭,反复服用,进行了内部和外部冷却,并开始输注新斯的明。生物学评估显示横纹肌溶解症和开始预防肾功能衰竭。经过适当的神经系统评估后,使用曼陀罗(Datura stramonium)36小时后,将患者拔管并转移到精神病房进行进一步评估和护理。



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