
Informed consent in Indian patients.




It is commonly believed that patients in India do not need to be told about their operations as they are unable to understand the complexities and forget the salient facts soon afterwards. Obtaining informed consent is therefore considered to be an unnecessary ritual. We studied 100 consecutive patients undergoing elective major abdominal operations and asked them 5 days after their operations to recall certain details about the procedure which had been explained to them preoperatively. Seventy per cent of the patients recalled the relevant data. The ability was the same in males and females (67% and 69%) but the older, less educated and poorer patients performed worse than the others. Ninety-eight per cent of the patients appreciated being given the information as it reduced their anxiety about the operation. Indian patients are able to comprehend and should be informed about the details of their operation. Particular care should be taken during explanation to the old, poor and illiterate. In these informed consent should be a continuous process rather than a single event and the information should also be given to a younger and more educated relative.
机译:通常认为,印度患者无需了解其手术情况,因为他们无法理解复杂性并很快忘记了重要事实。因此,获得知情同意被认为是不必要的仪式。我们研究了连续的100名接受选择性大腹部手术的患者,并要求他们在手术后5天回忆一些有关手术前的详细信息。 70%的患者回顾了相关数据。男性和女性的能力相同(分别为67%和69%),但年龄较大,教育程度较低和较贫穷的患者的表现较其他人差。 98%的患者赞赏获得信息,因为它减少了他们对手术的忧虑。印度患者能够理解,应告知其手术细节。在向老年人,穷人和文盲解释时,应格外小心。在这些知情同意书中,应该是一个连续的过程,而不是一个单一的事件,并且还应该将信息提供给一个年轻且受过良好教育的亲戚。



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