
Clinical use of minoxidil (Loniten)




The powerful peripheral vasodilator minoxidil, in a dose of 5–40 mg daily, controlled the previously refractory blood pressure in 45 out of 47 patients for periods up to fifty-seven months. The majority of the previous polypharmacy was withdrawn, leaving most of the patients taking a beta-blocking drug, minoxidil and a diuretic. Severe sodium retention leading to congestive cardiac failure necessitated the withdrawal of the drug in 3 patients. In one patient the drug was discontinued because of postural hypotension, and it was withdrawn in 2 female patients because of hirsutism. Five patients were removed from the trial as they were started on chronic maintenance haemodialysis or received a renal transplant. Significant glucose intolerance developed in one patient, requiring the addition of an oral hypoglycaemic agent. The 4 deaths that occurred were not directly related to treatment. Following the oral administration of 5 mg minoxidil, an obvious reduction in both the systolic and diastolic pressure was seen in two hours.
机译:强大的外周血管扩张药米诺地尔(每天5至40 mg)可控制47名患者中的45名先前的难治性血压,持续长达57个月。大部分以前的多元药房都撤回了,剩下的大多数患者都服用了β受体阻滞剂,米诺地尔和利尿剂。严重的钠retention留导致充血性心力衰竭,因此有3名患者必须停药。一名患者由于体位性低血压而停药,而两名女性由于多毛症而停药。五名患者开始进行长期维持性血液透析或接受肾移植手术后被从试验中删除。一名患者出现严重的葡萄糖耐受不良,需要添加口服降血糖药。发生的4例死亡与治疗没有直接关系。口服5 mg米诺地尔后,两小时内收缩压和舒张压均明显降低。



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