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Some Considerations of Vertigo based on Experience




Our only direct intimation of the existence of space is the sensation of vertigo, when through our cortical centres we become conscious of the fact that we are surrounded by a “blank” space in which motion is apparent, i.e., the relative condition of our body to the things around us seems to be altered. A precise account of the “nerve-cycle” and of its exact relation to the sympathic and parasympathic—in a word, to the autonomous vegetative—system and to the endocrine system, is at present impossible. We have known since the time of the classic investigations of Flourens, Breuer, Mach, Crum Brown, and their followers—especially Sherrington—that the nature of these things is highly complicated. Simple mechanical theories are useless, even for teaching purposes, as they are more or less fictitious and often incomplete.The path of nervous action is through the ear, cerebellum, brain stem, cerebrum, medulla oblongata, spinal cord, and autonomous nervous system, to the different parts of the periphery, and there are also mutual connexions with the endocrine glands. Mention is made of the influence of constitution (i.e., inheritance, “the natural endowment”), and also of the conditional disposition, temper, training, in a word all external and internal stimuli. Again, the various reflexes, the numerous aggregations of ganglia, indicating a certain autonomy of function, constitute a great problem for future clinical observation. The mechanism of adaptation and compensation by which extensive injury may sometimes be counterbalanced, also enters into the question, as do the varying collateral paths, the synergetic action of different and sometimes very distant organs and so forth. Again, we have to think of the ratio of irritability and fatiguability, a significant factor in causation. Syphilis, arthritis, alcoholism, nicotine-poisoning, anæmia, leukæmia, tumours, and—especially—catarrh, are most important causes.
机译:我们对空间存在的唯一直接暗示就是眩晕感,当我们通过皮层中心意识到我们被一个明显的“空白”空间所包围的事实时,即运动是明显的,即我们身体的相对状态对我们周围的事物似乎有所改变。目前尚不可能精确地描述“神经循环”及其与交感神经和副交感神经(确切地说是自主植物系统)和内分泌系统的确切关系。自从对Flourens,Breuer,Mach,Crum Brown及其追随者(尤其是Sherrington)进行经典调查以来,我们就知道这些事物的性质非常复杂。简单的机械理论甚至对于教学目的都是无用的,因为它们或多或少是虚构的,而且常常是不完整的。神经活动的路径是通过耳朵,小脑,脑干,大脑,延髓,脊髓和自主神经系统,到周围的不同部分,也与内分泌腺相互连接。提及的是体质的影响(即继承,“自然”赋”),以及所有外部和内部刺激的条件性倾向,脾气,训练。同样,各种反射,神经节的大量聚集,表明一定的功能自主性,构成了未来临床观察的重大问题。有时可以抵消广泛伤害的适应和补偿机制,以及变化的附带路径,不同器官(有时甚至是非常遥远的器官)的协同作用等也引起了问题。同样,我们必须考虑易激惹性和易疲劳性之比,这是因果关系的重要因素。最重要的原因是梅毒,关节炎,酒精中毒,尼古丁中毒,厌食症,白血球增多症,肿瘤,尤其是粘膜炎。



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