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Co-existing feedback loops generate tissue-specific circadian rhythms




Gene regulatory feedback loops generate autonomous circadian rhythms in mammalian tissues. The well-studied core clock network contains many negative and positive regulations. Multiple feedback loops have been discussed as primary rhythm generators but the design principles of the core clock and differences between tissues are still under debate. Here we use global optimization techniques to fit mathematical models to circadian gene expression profiles for different mammalian tissues. It turns out that for every investigated tissue multiple model parameter sets reproduce the experimental data. We extract for all model versions the most essential feedback loops and find auto-inhibitions of period and cryptochrome genes, Bmal1–Rev-erb-α loops, and repressilator motifs as possible rhythm generators. Interestingly, the essential feedback loops differ between tissues, pointing to specific design principles within the hierarchy of mammalian tissue clocks. Self-inhibitions of Per and Cry genes are characteristic for models of suprachiasmatic nucleus clocks, whereas in liver models many loops act in synergy and are connected by a repressilator motif. Tissue-specific use of a network of co-existing synergistic feedback loops could account for functional differences between organs.
机译:基因调节反馈回路在哺乳动物组织中产生自主的昼夜节律。深入研究的核心时钟网络包含许多负面和正面规定。已经讨论了多个反馈回路作为主要的节奏发生器,但核心时钟的设计原理和组织之间的差异仍在争论中。在这里,我们使用全局优化技术来拟合数学模型,以适应不同哺乳动物组织的昼夜节律基因表达谱。事实证明,对于每个被研究的组织,多个模型参数集都可以再现实验数据。我们为所有模型版本提取了最基本的反馈回路,并发现了周期和隐色基因的自动抑制,Bmal1-Rev-erb-α回路以及可能的心律发生器的再加压基序。有趣的是,各组织之间的基本反馈回路有所不同,指出了哺乳动物组织钟的层次结构中的特定设计原理。 Per和Cry基因的自我抑制是超视交叉核时钟模型的特征,而在肝模型中,许多环协同作用并通过repressilator母题相连。共存的协同反馈回路网络的组织特定用途可以解释器官之间的功能差异。



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