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The Construction and Use of Log-Odds Substitution Scores for Multiple Sequence Alignment




Most pairwise and multiple sequence alignment programs seek alignments with optimal scores. Central to defining such scores is selecting a set of substitution scores for aligned amino acids or nucleotides. For local pairwise alignment, substitution scores are implicitly of log-odds form. We now extend the log-odds formalism to multiple alignments, using Bayesian methods to construct “BILD” (“Bayesian Integral Log-odds”) substitution scores from prior distributions describing columns of related letters. This approach has been used previously only to define scores for aligning individual sequences to sequence profiles, but it has much broader applicability. We describe how to calculate BILD scores efficiently, and illustrate their uses in Gibbs sampling optimization procedures, gapped alignment, and the construction of hidden Markov model profiles. BILD scores enable automated selection of optimal motif and domain model widths, and can inform the decision of whether to include a sequence in a multiple alignment, and the selection of insertion and deletion locations. Other applications include the classification of related sequences into subfamilies, and the definition of profile-profile alignment scores. Although a fully realized multiple alignment program must rely upon more than substitution scores, many existing multiple alignment programs can be modified to employ BILD scores. We illustrate how simple BILD score based strategies can enhance the recognition of DNA binding domains, including the Api-AP2 domain in Toxoplasma gondii and Plasmodium falciparum.
机译:大多数成对和多序列比对程序都寻求具有最佳得分的比对。定义此类分数的关键是为对齐的氨基酸或核苷酸选择一组替代分数。对于局部成对对齐,替换分数隐含对数奇数形式。现在,我们使用贝叶斯方法将对数奇数形式主义扩展为多个比对,以从描述相关字母列的先前分布构造“ BILD”(“贝叶斯积分对数奇数”)替代分数。该方法以前仅用于定义将单个序列与序列图谱进行比对的分数,但是它具有更广泛的适用性。我们描述了如何有效地计算BILD分数,并说明了它们在Gibbs采样优化过程,缺口比对和隐马尔可夫模型轮廓的构造中的用途。 BILD评分可以自动选择最佳的基序和域模型宽度,并可以决定是否在多重比对中包括序列以及插入和缺失位置的选择。其他应用包括将相关序列分类为亚家族,以及轮廓-轮廓比对得分的定义。尽管一个完全实现的多重比对程序必须不仅仅依赖替代分数,但是许多现有的多重比对程序可以进行修改以采用BILD分数。我们说明简单的基于BILD评分的策略如何增强对DNA结合域的识别,包括弓形虫和恶性疟原虫中的Api-AP2域。



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