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Formation of the Ascidian Epidermal Sensory Neurons: Insights into the Origin of the Chordate Peripheral Nervous System




The vertebrate peripheral nervous system (PNS) originates from neural crest and placodes. While its developmental origin is the object of intense studies, little is known concerning its evolutionary history. To address this question, we analyzed the formation of the larval tail PNS in the ascidian Ciona intestinalis. The tail PNS of Ciona is made of sensory neurons located within the epidermis midlines and extending processes in the overlying tunic median fin. We show that each midline corresponds to a single longitudinal row of epidermal cells and neurons sharing common progenitors. This simple organization is observed throughout the tail epidermis, which is made of only eight single-cell rows, each expressing a specific genetic program. We next demonstrate that the epidermal neurons are specified in two consecutive steps. During cleavage and gastrula stages, the dorsal and ventral midlines are independently induced by FGF9/16/20 and the BMP ligand ADMP, respectively. Subsequently, Delta/Notch–mediated lateral inhibition controls the number of neurons formed within these neurogenic regions. These results provide a comprehensive overview of PNS formation in ascidian and uncover surprising similarities between the fate maps and embryological mechanisms underlying formation of ascidian neurogenic epidermis midlines and the vertebrate median fin.
机译:脊椎动物外周神经系统(PNS)起源于神经c和斑块。尽管其发展起源是深入研究的对象,但对其进化史知之甚少。为了解决这个问题,我们分析了海鞘Ciona intestinalis中幼虫尾部PNS的形成。 Ciona的尾部PNS由位于表皮中线内的感觉神经元组成,并在上覆的束腰中鳍上延伸。我们显示,每个中线对应于共享共同祖细胞的表皮细胞和神经元的单个纵向行。在整个尾部表皮中观察到这种简单的组织,尾部表皮仅由八个单细胞行组成,每行均表达特定的遗传程序。接下来,我们证明在两个连续的步骤中指定了表皮神经元。在卵裂期和胃胚期,分别通过FGF9 / 16/20和BMP配体ADMP分别诱导背侧和腹中线。随后,Delta / Notch介导的侧向抑制作用控制了这些神经源性区域内形成的神经元数量。这些结果提供了在海鞘中PNS形成的全面概述,并揭示了海图神经原性表皮中线和脊椎动物中鳍形成的命运图谱与胚胎机制之间令人惊讶的相似性。



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