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PS2-14: Why People Don’t Eat Fruit and Vegetables: Insight from Participants Who Enrolled in MENU




>Background: In order to develop effective dietary interventions, public health researchers need to better understand the reasons people do not to eat the recommended minimum servings of fruits and vegetables (F&V).>Methods: Adults were recruited from five U.S. health plans in Washington, Colorado, Minnesota, Michigan and Georgia and enrolled in an online dietary intervention study designed to increase F&V consumption (MENU). Prior to the intervention, 2,513 eligible participants completed a baseline questionnaire assessing demographics and other information relevant for tailoring the intervention content, including perceived barriers to eating F&V. Participants also indicated if they were currently trying to eat more F&V or not. We compared groups who were (n= 849) and were not (n = 1651) trying to increase F&V intake at baseline, to examine if there were distinguishing characteristics which would help inform future intervention development targeted at individuals not trying to change their diet.>Results: Compared to persons trying to change their diet, those not trying to change were more likely to be male (P=.05), younger (45.9 years vs. 47.1 years, P=.01), and a higher mean BMI (29.5 vs. 27.1, P<.001). Groups did not differ by education or race. Statistically significant differences were observed across most perceived barriers for eating both fruits and vegetables (assessed separately for each). The greatest differences (P<.001) were seen for the following perceptions: that F&V go bad too quickly, they do not satisfy hunger, were not available in their homes, cost, concerns about preparation time, and participants did not know how to add more servings of each to their diet. In all cases, persons who were not trying to change their diets rated these as more significant barriers.>Conclusions: The results suggest that persons who are not actively trying to change their diet differ from people who are actively trying to eat healthy. Many of these differences may be modifiable through appropriate education and training. Others, such as the expense of F&V, may be modifiable at an environmental level by public policy makers. The insight gained from this study may help inform future intervention studies designed to effect important dietary changes.
机译:>背景:为了制定有效的饮食干预措施,公共卫生研究人员需要更好地理解人们不食用建议的最低限度水果和蔬菜(F&V)的原因。>方法:从华盛顿,科罗拉多州,明尼苏达州,密歇根州和佐治亚州的五个美国卫生计划中招募了成年人,并参加了一项旨在增加F&V消费的在线饮食干预研究(MENU)。在进行干预之前,有2,513名符合条件的参与者完成了基线问卷调查,评估了人口统计数据和其他与调整干预内容相关的信息,包括感知到的饮食障碍。参与者还指出了他们是否正在尝试吃更多的F&V。我们比较了尝试在基线时增加F&V摄入量的(n = 849)和未尝试(n = 1651)的组,以检查是否存在可以帮助将来针对未尝试改变饮食的个体的干预措施开发的明显特征。 >结果:与尝试改变饮食习惯的人相比,不尝试改变饮食习惯的人更可能是男性(P = .05),年龄更小(45.9岁vs. 47.1岁,P = .01) ,以及更高的平均BMI(29.5比27.1,P <.001)。群体没有受教育或种族的差异。在水果和蔬菜食用的大多数感知障碍之间均观察到统计学上的显着差异(分别评估)。在以下观念上,差异最大(P <.001):F&V变坏得太快,他们不能满足饥饿,家中没有食物,成本,对准备时间的担忧以及参与者不知道如何在饮食中添加更多的每种食物。在所有情况下,不尝试改变饮食的人都将其视为更重要的障碍。>结论:结果表明,不积极尝试改变饮食的人与积极尝试改变饮食的人不同吃得健康。这些差异中的许多差异都可以通过适当的教育和培训来改变。其他因素,例如F&V的费用,可以由公共政策制定者在环境水平上修改。从这项研究中获得的见识可能有助于为旨在实现重要饮食变化的未来干预研究提供信息。



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