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Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness Against Null Hypothesis Significance Testing




Null hypothesis significance testing (NHST) has been the subject of debate for decades and alternative approaches to data analysis have been proposed. This article addresses this debate from the perspective of scientific inquiry and inference. Inference is an inverse problem and application of statistical methods cannot reveal whether effects exist or whether they are empirically meaningful. Hence, raising conclusions from the outcomes of statistical analyses is subject to limitations. NHST has been criticized for its misuse and the misconstruction of its outcomes, also stressing its inability to meet expectations that it was never designed to fulfil. Ironically, alternatives to NHST are identical in these respects, something that has been overlooked in their presentation. Three of those alternatives are discussed here (estimation via confidence intervals and effect sizes, quantification of evidence via Bayes factors, and mere reporting of descriptive statistics). None of them offers a solution to the problems that NHST is purported to have, all of them are susceptible to misuse and misinterpretation, and some bring around their own problems (e.g., Bayes factors have a one-to-one correspondence with p values, but they are entirely deprived of an inferential framework). Those alternatives also fail to cover a broad area of inference not involving distributional parameters, where NHST procedures remain the only (and suitable) option. Like knives or axes, NHST is not inherently evil; only misuse and misinterpretation of its outcomes needs to be eradicated.
机译:零假设重要性检验(NHST)一直是争论的主题,并且已经提出了替代的数据分析方法。本文从科学探究和推论的角度解决了这场辩论。推论是一个相反的问题,统计方法的应用无法揭示效果是否存在或它们是否在经验上有意义。因此,从统计分析的结果中得出结论是有局限性的。 NHST因滥用和对结果的误解而受到批评,并强调其无法满足从未实现的期望。具有讽刺意味的是,NHST的替代方案在这些方面是相同的,但在其介绍中却被忽略了。本文讨论了其中三种选择(通过置信区间和效应量进行估计,通过贝叶斯因子进行证据定量以及仅描述性统计报告)。它们都不是解决NHST所要解决的问题的方法,它们都容易被滥用和误解,并且有些问题会带来自身的问题(例如,贝叶斯因子与p值一一对应,但它们被完全剥夺了推论框架)。这些替代方法也无法涵盖不涉及分布参数的广泛推断,而NHST程序仍然是唯一(且合适的)选择。像刀或斧头一样,NHST并不是天生的邪恶。只需要消除对其结果的误用和误解。



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