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COPD: time to improve its taxonomy?




Due to well-conducted epidemiological studies and advances in genetics, molecular biology, translational research, the advent of computed tomography of the lungs and bioinformatics, the diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) as a single entity caused by susceptibility to cigarette smoke is no longer tenable. Furthermore, the once-accepted concept that COPD results from a rapid and progressive loss of lung function over time is not true for a sizeable proportion of adults with the disease. Now we know that some genetic predisposition and/or different environmental interactions (nutritional, infectious, pollution and immunological) may negatively modulate post-natal lung development and lead to poorly reversible airflow limitation later in life, consistent with COPD. We believe it is time to rethink the taxonomy of this disease based on the evidence at hand. To do so, we have followed the principles outlined in the 1980s by J.D. Scadding who proposed that diseases can be defined by four key characteristics: 1) clinical description (syndrome), 2) disorder of structure (morbid anatomy), 3) disorder of function (pathophysiology) and 4) causation (aetiology). Here, we propose a pragmatic approach to the taxonomy of COPD based on different processes that result in a similar syndromic presentation. It can accommodate changes over time, as the pathobiology that may lead to COPD expands. We hope that stakeholders in the field may find it useful to better define the patients now boxed into one single entity, so that specific studies can be designed and conducted for each type of COPDs.
机译:由于流行病学研究的开展以及遗传学,分子生物学,转化研究的发展,肺部计算机断层扫描技术和生物信息学的出现,将慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)诊断为由香烟易感性引起的一个整体不再成立。此外,曾经接受的观念认为,COPD是由于肺功能随着时间的推移而迅速而逐步丧失而导致的,这对于相当一部分患有该疾病的成年人来说是不正确的。现在我们知道,某些遗传易感性和/或不同的环境相互作用(营养,传染性,污染性和免疫性)可能会对出生后的肺部发育产生负面影响,并在以后的生活中导致不良的可逆气流受限,这与COPD一致。我们认为是时候根据现有证据重新考虑这种疾病的分类学了。为此,我们遵循了JD Scadding在1980年代概述的原则,他提出疾病可以通过四个关键特征来定义:1)临床描述(综合征),2)结构失调(病态解剖),3)失调功能(病理生理学)和4)因果关系(病因学)。在这里,我们提出了一种基于不同过程的COPD分类学的实用方法,导致了相似的症状表现。随着可能导致COPD的病理生物学的发展,它可以适应随着时间的变化。我们希望该领域的利益相关者可能会发现,更好地定义现在装在一个单一实体中的患者很有用,以便可以针对每种类型的COPD设计和进行具体的研究。



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