首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine : eCAM >Pharmacokinetic Comparison of 20(R)- and 20(S)-Ginsenoside Rh1 and 20(R)- and 20(S)-Ginsenoside Rg3 in Rat Plasma following Oral Administration of Radix Ginseng Rubra and Sheng-Mai-San Extracts

Pharmacokinetic Comparison of 20(R)- and 20(S)-Ginsenoside Rh1 and 20(R)- and 20(S)-Ginsenoside Rg3 in Rat Plasma following Oral Administration of Radix Ginseng Rubra and Sheng-Mai-San Extracts




Ginsenosides Rh1 and Rg3, as the main bioactive components from Ginseng, are effective for prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Sheng-Mai-San (SMS), a classical complex prescription of traditional Chinese medicines, is composed of Radix Ginseng Rubra, Fructus Schisandrae, and Radix Ophiopogonis. In this research, a sensitive and specific liquid chromatography-mass spectrometric method was developed and validated for stereoselective determination and pharmacokinetic studies of 20(R)- and 20(S)-ginsenoside Rh1 and 20(R)- and 20(S)-ginsenoside Rg3 epimers in rat plasma after oral administration of Radix Ginseng Rubra or SMS extracts. The main pharmacokinetic parameters including Tmax, Cmax, t1/2, and AUC were calculated by noncompartment model. Compared with Radix Ginseng Rubra, SMS could significantly increase the content of ginsenosides Rh1 and Rg3 in the decocting process. Ginsenosides Rh1 and Rg3 following SMS treatment displayed higher Cmax, AUC(0–t), and AUC(0–∞) and longer t1/2 and tmax except for 20(R)-Rh1 in rat plasma. The results indicated SMS compound compatibility could influence the dissolution in vitro and the pharmacokinetic behaviors in vivo of ginsenosides Rh1 and Rg3, suggesting pharmacokinetic drug-drug interactions between ginsenosides Rh1 and Rg3 and other ingredients from Fructus Schisandrae and Radix Ophiopogonis. This study would provide valuable information for drug development and clinical application of SMS.
机译:人参皂苷Rh1和Rg3是人参的主要生物活性成分,可有效预防和治疗心血管疾病。圣麦散(SMS)是经典的传统中药处方,由人参麦冬,五味子麦冬和麦冬等组成。在这项研究中,开发了一种灵敏而特异的液相色谱-质谱法,用于20(R)-和20(S)-人参皂甙Rh1和20(R)-和20(S)-的立体选择性测定和药代动力学研究口服人参或SMS提取物后,大鼠血浆中的人参皂苷Rg3差向异构体。通过非房室模型计算主要药代动力学参数,包括Tmax,Cmax,t1 / 2和AUC。与人参Rubra相比,SMS可以在煎煮过程中显着增加人参皂苷Rh1和Rg3的含量。 SMS处理后的人参皂甙Rh1和Rg3显示较高的Cmax,AUC(0–t)和AUC(0–∞)以及更长的t1 / 2和tmax,除了大鼠血浆中的20(R)-Rh1。结果表明,SMS化合物的相容性可能会影响人参皂甙Rh1和Rg3的体外溶出度和体内药代动力学行为,表明人参皂甙Rh1和Rg3与五味子和麦冬等成分之间的药代动力学药物相互作用。该研究将为SMS的药物开发和临床应用提供有价值的信息。



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