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Medical Student Attitudes toward Complementary Alternative and Integrative Medicine




While the use of complementary, alternative and integrative medicine (CAIM) is substantial, it continues to exist at the periphery of allopathic medicine. Understanding the attitudes of medical students toward CAIM will be useful in understanding future integration of CAIM and allopathic medicine. This study was conducted to develop and evaluate an instrument and assess medical students' attitudes toward CAIM. The Complementary, Alternative and Integrative Medicine Attitudes Questionnaire (CAIMAQ) was developed by a panel of experts in CAIM, allopathic medicine, medical education and survey development. A total of 1770 CAIMAQ surveys (51% of US medical schools participated) were obtained in a national sample of medical students in 2007. Factor analysis of the CAIMAQ revealed five distinct attitudinal domains: desirability of CAIM therapies, progressive patient/physician health care roles, mind-body-spirit connection, principles of allostasis and a holistic understanding of disease. The students held the most positive attitude for the “mind-body-spirit connection” and the least positive for the “desirability of CAIM therapies”. This study provided initial support for the reliability of the CAIMAQ. The survey results indicated that in general students responded more positively to the principles of CAIM than to CAIM treatment. A higher quality of CAIM-related medical education and expanded research into CAIM therapies would facilitate appropriate integration of CAIM into medical curricula. The most significant limitation of this study is a low response rate, and further work is required to assess more representative populations in order to determine whether the relationships found in this study are generalizable.
机译:虽然补充性,替代性和综合性医学(CAIM)的使用非常广泛,但它仍然存在于同种疗法药物的外围。了解医学生对CAIM的态度将有助于理解CAIM和同种疗法医学的未来融合。进行这项研究是为了开发和评估一种仪器,并评估医学生对CAIM的态度。补充,替代和综合医学态度调查表(CAIMAQ)是由CAIM,同种疗法医学,医学教育和调查发展领域的专家小组制定的。 2007年,在全国医学生样本中共进行了1770次CAIMAQ调查(参与了美国医学院的51%)。CAIMAQ的因素分析揭示了五个不同的态度领域:CAIM治疗的可取性,患者/医师的医疗保健作用的逐步提高,身心之间的联系,同构原理和对疾病的全面了解。学生对“身心联系”持最积极的态度,对“ CAIM治疗的可取性”持最不积极的态度。这项研究为CAIMAQ的可靠性提供了初步的支持。调查结果表明,一般而言,学生对CAIM原则的反应比对CAIM治疗的反应更为积极。高质量的CAIM相关医学教育以及对CAIM治疗方法的广泛研究将有助于将CAIM适当整合到医学课程中。这项研究的最大局限性是响应率低,需要进一步的工作来评估更具代表性的人群,以确定这项研究中发现的关系是否可以推广。



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