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The surging role of Chromogranin A in cardiovascular homeostasis




Together with Chromogranin B and Secretogranins, Chromogranin A (CGA) is stored in secretory (chromaffin) granules of the diffuse neuroendocrine system and released with noradrenalin and adrenalin. Co-stored within the granule together with neuropeptideY, cardiac natriuretic peptide hormones, several prohormones and their proteolytic enzymes, CGA is a multifunctional protein and a major marker of the sympatho-adrenal neuroendocrine activity. Due to its partial processing to several biologically active peptides, CGA appears an important pro-hormone implicated in relevant modulatory actions on endocrine, cardiovascular, metabolic, and immune systems through both direct and indirect sympatho-adrenergic interactions. As a part of this scenario, we here illustrate the emerging role exerted by the full-length CGA and its three derived fragments, i.e., Vasostatin 1, catestatin and serpinin, in the control of circulatory homeostasis with particular emphasis on their cardio-vascular actions under both physiological and physio-pathological conditions. The Vasostatin 1- and catestatin-induced cardiodepressive influences are achieved through anti-beta-adrenergic-NO-cGMP signaling, while serpinin acts like beta1-adrenergic agonist through AD-cAMP-independent NO signaling. On the whole, these actions contribute to widen our knowledge regarding the sympatho-chromaffin control of the cardiovascular system and its highly integrated “whip-brake” networks.
机译:嗜铬粒蛋白A(CGA)与嗜铬粒蛋白B和促分泌素一起,被储存在弥漫性神经内分泌系统的分泌(嗜铬)颗粒中,并与去甲肾上腺素和肾上腺素一起释放。 CGA与神经肽Y,心脏利钠肽激素,几种激素和它们的蛋白水解酶共同储存在颗粒中,CGA是一种多功能蛋白,是交感肾上腺神经内分泌活性的主要标志物。由于其部分加工成几种具有生物活性的肽,CGA似乎是一种重要的激素原,通过直接和间接的交感-肾上腺素相互作用参与了对内分泌,心血管,代谢和免疫系统的相关调节作用。作为这种情况的一部分,我们在这里说明全长CGA及其三个衍生片段(即Vasostatin 1,catestatin和serpinin)在控制循环稳态中的新兴作用,尤其着重于其心血管作用在生理和生理病理条件下。 Vasostatin 1和catestatin诱导的心脏抑制作用是通过抗β-肾上腺素-NO-cGMP信号传导来实现的,而丝氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂则通过不依赖AD-cAMP的NO信号传导像β1-肾上腺素能激动剂一样起作用。总体而言,这些作用有助于拓宽我们对心血管系统及其高度整合的“鞭打制动”网络的交感神经-铬烷控制的认识。



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