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Vasoconstrictive responses by the carotid and auricular arteries in goats to ergot alkaloid exposure




A fungal endophyte (Neotyphodium coenophialum) infects most plants of “Kentucky 31” tall fescue (Lolium arundinaceum) and produces ergot alkaloids that cause persistent constriction of the vascular system in grazing livestock. Consequently, animals undergoing this toxicosis cannot regulate core body temperature and are vulnerable to heat and cold stresses. An experiment was conducted to determine if the caudal and auricular arteries in goats (Capra aegagrus hircus) vasoconstrict in response to ergot alkaloids. Seven, rumen fistulated goats were fed ad libitum orchardgrass (Dactylis glomeratia) hay and ruminally infused with endophtye-free seed (E−) for a 7-day adjustment period. Two periods followed with E− and endophyte-infected (E+) seed being randomly assigned to the 2 goat groups in period 1 and then switching treatments between groups in period 2. Infused E+ and E− seed were in equal proportions to the hay such that concentrations of ergovaline and ergovalanine were 0.80 μg per g dry matter for the E+ treatment. Cross-sections of both arteries were imaged using Doppler ultrasonography on days 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 12 in period 1 and on days 0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, and 9 in period 2. Differences from average baseline areas were used to determine presence or absence of alkaloid-induced vasoconstriction. Carotid arteries initiated constriction on imaging day 2 in both periods, and auricular arteries initiated constriction on imaging day 2 in period 1 and on day 6 in period 2. Luminal areas of the carotid arteries in E+ goats were 46% less than baseline areas in both periods after vasoconstriction occurred, whereas auricular arteries in E+ goats were 52% less than baseline areas in period 1 and 38% in period 2. Both arteries in E+ goats in period 1 relaxed relative to baseline areas by imaging day 2 after they were switched to the E− treatment. Results indicated that goats can vasoconstrict when exposed to ergot alkaloids that could disrupt their thermoregulation.
机译:真菌内生菌(Neotyphodium coenophialum)感染大多数“肯塔基州31”高羊茅(Lolium arundinaceum)的植物,并产生麦角生物碱,从而导致放牧牲畜的血管系统持续收缩。因此,遭受这种中毒的动物无法调节核心体温,并且容易受到热和冷的压力。进行了一项实验,以确定是否响应麦角生物碱使山羊(Capra aegagrus hircus)血管的尾strict和耳动脉收缩。七只瘤胃有裂痕的山羊被随意喂食果园干草(Dactylis glomeratia)干草,并在瘤胃中注入无内生种子(E-),为期7天。在两个时期之后,在时期1中将E-和内生细菌感染(E +)种子随机分配给2个山羊组,然后在时期2中在组之间进行切换处理。注入的E +和E-种子与干草的比例相同,从而对于E +处理,麦角灵和麦角丙氨酸的浓度为每克干物质0.80μg。在第1阶段的第0、2、4、6、8和12天,在第2阶段的第0、1、2、3、6、7和9天,使用多普勒超声对两条动脉的横截面成像。来自平均基线区域的数据用于确定是否存在生物碱诱导的血管收缩。在两个时期中,颈动脉均在第2天成像收缩,而在第2阶段的第1天和第6天,耳动脉在成像第2天收缩,这两个E +山羊的颈动脉腔面积均比基线面积少46%。发生血管收缩后,E +山羊的耳动脉在第1阶段比基线区域少52%,在第2时期比基线区域少38%。在第1阶段,E +山羊的两个动脉在切换到第2天后均相对于基线区域松弛E-治疗。结果表明,山羊在麦角生物碱中可能会收缩血管,这可能会破坏其体温调节。



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