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Sealant Microleakage After Using Nano-Filled Bonding Agents on Saliva-Contaminated Enamel




>Objective: The efficacy of correctly applied fissure sealants has been revealed in the prevention of caries. Saliva and moisture contamination of the etched enamel surface before sealant placement can decrease the bonding strength of the sealant to the enamel. The aim of this study was to test the new bonding agents containing nano-fillers in order to reduce the negative effect of saliva contamination on the sealant micro leakage. >Materials and Methods: Seventy five sound human premolars were randomly assigned to five equal groups as follows: >Group A: etching, sealant; >Group B: etching, saliva contamination, sealant; >Group C: etching, saliva contamination, Single bond, sealant; >Group D: etching, saliva contamination, Adper Single bond 2, sealant; >Group E: etching, saliva contamination, N Bond, sealant. The samples were thermo-cycled and immersed in basic fuchsine 0.5% by weight. Then, the teeth were sectioned bucco-lingually and parallel to the long axis into two segments. Finally, the length of dye penetration at the sealant-tooth interface was scored according to a four-point scale. >Results: Micro-leakage was higher in group B compared to the other groups, while there were no differences among the evaluated dentin adhesives. >Conclusion: The use of nano-filled bonding agents as an intermediate layer between the etched enamel and the sealant can reduce sealant micro-leakage after saliva contamination at the level of the uncontaminated enamel.
机译:>目的:正确使用裂缝密封胶可以预防龋齿。在放置密封胶之前,唾液和湿气对蚀刻后的搪瓷表面的污染会降低密封胶与搪瓷的结合强度。这项研究的目的是测试包含纳米填料的新型粘合剂,以减少唾液污染对密封剂微泄漏的负面影响。 >材料和方法:将75个健全的人类前磨牙随机分为五个相等的组,如下所述:> A组:蚀刻,密封剂; > B组:蚀刻,唾液污染,密封胶; > C组:蚀刻,唾液污染,单键,密封胶; > D组:蚀刻,唾液污染,Adper单键2,密封胶; > E组:蚀刻,唾液污染,N键,密封胶。将样品热循环并浸入0.5重量%的碱性品红中。然后,将牙齿按颊舌切开并平行于长轴切成两段。最后,根据四点量表对在密封剂-牙齿界面处的染料渗透长度进行评分。 >结果:B组的微渗漏率高于其他组,而评估的牙本质粘合剂之间无差异。 >结论:在唾液污染后,将纳米填充粘合剂用作蚀刻牙釉质和密封剂之间的中间层可以减少密封剂微渗漏,达到未污染牙釉质的水平。



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