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The Concept of Drug-Resistant Epileptogenic Zone




Resective surgery is the most effective way to treat drug-resistant epilepsy. Despite extensive pre-surgical evaluation, only 30–70% patients would become seizure-free after surgery. New approaches and strategies are needed to improve the outcome of epilepsy surgery. It is commonly observed in clinical practice that antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) could maintain seizure freedom in a large proportion of patients after surgery, who were uncontrolled before the operation. In some patients cessation of AEDs leads to seizure recurrence which, in most cases, can be controlled by resuming AEDs. These observations suggest that the surgery has converted the epilepsy from drug-resistant to drug-responsive, implying that the operation has removed the brain tissue accounting for pharmacoresistance, rather than the pathological substrate of epilepsy (at least not completely). Based on these observations, it is hypothesized that there is a drug-resistant epileptogenic zone (DREZ) which overlaps with the epileptogenic zone (EZ), and has both epileptogenic and drug-resistant properties. DREZ is necessary and sufficient to cause drug-resistant epilepsy, and its remove would render the epilepsy drug-responsive. Testing the hypothesis requires the development of new methods to define the DREZ, which may be used to guide surgical planning when the epileptogenic zone cannot be completely excised. This concept can also help understand the mechanisms of drug-resistant epilepsy, leading to new therapeutic strategies.
机译:切除手术是治疗耐药性癫痫的最有效方法。尽管进行了广泛的术前评估,但只有30–70%的患者术后无癫痫发作。需要新的方法和策略来改善癫痫手术的结果。在临床实践中通常观察到,抗癫痫药(AED)可以在手术后不受控制的大部分患者中维持癫痫发作的自由度。在某些患者中,停止AED会导致癫痫发作复发,在大多数情况下,可以通过恢复AED来控制癫痫复发。这些观察结果表明,该手术已将癫痫病从耐药性转变为药物反应性,这意味着该手术已去除了占药物抵抗力的脑组织,而不是癫痫病的病理学基础(至少不是完全如此)。基于这些观察,假设存在一个耐药性癫痫发生区(DREZ),该区域与癫痫发生区(EZ)重叠,并具有致癫痫作用和耐药性。 DREZ是引起耐药性癫痫病的必要和充分条件,而DREZ的去除将使癫痫病具有药物反应性。要检验假设,就需要开发定义DREZ的新方法,当无法完全切除致癫痫区时,可用于指导手术计划。这个概念也可以帮助理解耐药性癫痫的机制,从而导致新的治疗策略。



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