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Hemodynamic Response to Interictal Epileptiform Discharges Addressed by Personalized EEG-fNIRS Recordings




>Objective: We aimed at studying the hemodynamic response (HR) to Interictal Epileptic Discharges (IEDs) using patient-specific and prolonged simultaneous ElectroEncephaloGraphy (EEG) and functional Near InfraRed Spectroscopy (fNIRS) recordings.>Methods: The epileptic generator was localized using Magnetoencephalography source imaging. fNIRS montage was tailored for each patient, using an algorithm to optimize the sensitivity to the epileptic generator. Optodes were glued using collodion to achieve prolonged acquisition with high quality signal. fNIRS data analysis was handled with no a priori constraint on HR time course, averaging fNIRS signals to similar IEDs. Cluster-permutation analysis was performed on 3D reconstructed fNIRS data to identify significant spatio-temporal HR clusters. Standard (GLM with fixed HRF) and cluster-permutation EEG-fMRI analyses were performed for comparison purposes.>Results: fNIRS detected HR to IEDs for 8/9 patients. It mainly consisted oxy-hemoglobin increases (seven patients), followed by oxy-hemoglobin decreases (six patients). HR was lateralized in six patients and lasted from 8.5 to 30 s. Standard EEG-fMRI analysis detected an HR in 4/9 patients (4/9 without enough IEDs, 1/9 unreliable result). The cluster-permutation EEG-fMRI analysis restricted to the region investigated by fNIRS showed additional strong and non-canonical BOLD responses starting earlier than the IEDs and lasting up to 30 s.>Conclusions: (i) EEG-fNIRS is suitable to detect the HR to IEDs and can outperform EEG-fMRI because of prolonged recordings and greater chance to detect IEDs; (ii) cluster-permutation analysis unveils additional HR features underestimated when imposing a canonical HR function (iii) the HR is often bilateral and lasts up to 30 s.
机译:>目的:我们旨在使用患者特有的且长期同时进行的脑电图(EEG)和功能性近红外光谱(fNIRS)记录来研究对壁间癫痫放电(IED)的血液动力学反应(HR)。方法:使用脑磁图源成像对癫痫发生源进行定位。 fNIRS蒙太奇是针对每个患者量身定制的,使用了一种算法来优化对癫痫产生器的敏感性。使用胶棉将光电二极管粘合在一起,以实现高质量信号的长时间采集。 fNIRS数据分析在HR时间过程中没有先验约束,可以将fNIRS信号平均到相似的IED。对3D重建的fNIRS数据进行了聚类排列分析,以识别重要的时空HR聚类。进行标准(具有固定HRF的GLM)和聚类排列EEG-fMRI分析以进行比较。>结果:fNIRS检测到8/9患者的IED HR。它主要包括氧合血红蛋白增加(七名患者),其次是氧合血红蛋白降低(六名患者)。 HR在6例患者中偏于外侧,持续8.5至30 s。标准EEG-fMRI分析在4/9的患者中检测到HR(4/9的IED不足,结果是1/9的结果不可靠)。聚类排列EEG-fMRI分析仅限于fNIRS研究的区域,显示出比IED更早开始并持续长达30 s的其他强力和非经典BOLD反应。>结论:(i)EEG- fNIRS适合检测IED的HR,并且由于记录时间长和检测IED的机会更大,因此其性能优于EEG-fMRI。 (ii)群集置换分析揭示了在应用规范的HR功能时被低估的其他HR功能(iii)HR通常是双向的,持续时间长达30 s。



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