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I Can Read These Colors. Orthographic Manipulations and the Development of the Color-Word Stroop




The color-word Stroop is a popular measure in psychological assessments. Evidence suggests that Stroop performance relies heavily on reading, an ability that improves over childhood. One way to influence reading proficiency is by orthographic manipulations. To determine the degree of interference posed by orthographic manipulations with development, in addition to standard color-Words (purple) we manipulated letter-positions: First/last letter in correct place (prulpe) and Scrambled (ulrpep). We tested children 7–16 years (n = 128) and adults (n = 23). Analyses showed that Word- and First/last-incongruent were qualitatively similar, whereas Word-congruent was different than other conditions. Results suggest that for children and adults, performance was hindered the most for incongruent and incorrectly spelled words and was most facilitated when words were congruent with the ink color and correctly spelled. Implications on visual word recognition and reading are discussed.
机译:颜色词Stroop是心理评估中的一种流行量度。有证据表明,Stroop的表现很大程度上取决于阅读能力,这种能力会随着儿童时期的发展而提高。影响阅读水平的一种方法是通过拼写操作。为了确定正字法操作对显影造成的干扰程度,除了标准颜色词(紫色)以外,我们还操纵字母位置:正确位置的第一个/最后一个字母(适当)和加扰(ulrpep)。我们测试了7-16岁的儿童(n = 128)和成人(n = 23)。分析表明,单词和第一个/最后一个不一致在质量上相似,而单词一致与其他条件不同。结果表明,对于儿童和成人来说,单词不一致和拼写错误的单词表现受阻最大,而单词与墨水颜色一致且拼写正确的单词则最容易受到阻碍。讨论对视觉单词识别和阅读的影响。



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