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Short-Term Attentional Perseveration Associated with Real-Life Creative Achievement




There are at least two competing hypotheses of how attention interacts with creative cognition, although they are not mutually exclusive. The first hypothesis is that highly creative people are particularly flexible at switching their attention – that is, they adaptively shift focus among different attentional levels using cognitive control. The second, less common, view is that creative people exhibit attentional persistence, or an ability for sustained attention. We suggest these two views need not be competing, as they may both operate, but on different time scales or on different components of creativity. In the present study we examined the role of attention in real-world creative achievement and in divergent thinking. In Experiment 1 participants with high and low real-world creative achievements identified whether the stimulus contained letters S or H within hierarchically constructed letters (e.g., large S made of small Es – global level; large E made up of small Ss – local level), which were presented in blocks of eight trials per level. In Experiment 2 participants with high, medium, and low creative achievements identified the same stimulus letters, but in blocks of five, seven, and nine trials per level. Results from both experiments indicated that people with high creative achievements made significantly more errors on trials in which they had to switch the level of attention, even after controlling for general intelligence. In Experiment 2, divergent thinking was also assessed, but it was not related to switching cost. Results from both experiments demonstrate that real-world creative acts relate to increased levels of attentional persistence, even if it comes with the cost of perseveration in certain circumstances.
机译:关于注意力与创造力认知的相互作用,至少有两个相互竞争的假设,尽管它们不是相互排斥的。第一个假设是,富有创造力的人在转移注意力方面特别灵活-也就是说,他们使用认知控制来适应性地将注意力转移到不同的注意力水平之间。第二种不那么普遍的观点是,富有创造力的人表现出注意力的持久性或持续关注的能力。我们建议这两种观点不一定要相互竞争,因为它们可能都起作用,而是在不同的时间范围内或在创造性的不同组成部分上。在本研究中,我们研究了注意力在现实世界中的创造成就和发散性思维中的作用。在实验1中,具有较高和较低的现实世界创造成就的参与者确定了刺激是否包含字母S或H在分层构造的字母内(例如,大S由小E组成–全局;大E由小Ss组成–局部) ,以每级八个试验的块的形式呈现。在实验2中,具有高,中和低创造力的参与者识别出相同的刺激字母,但每个级别分为5、7和9个试验。这两个实验的结果表明,即使在控制了一般智力之后,具有高创造力的人在试验中仍然犯了更多的错误,他们不得不改变注意力的水平。在实验2中,还评估了发散性思维,但这与转换成本无关。这两个实验的结果表明,即使在某些情况下坚持不懈的代价,现实世界中的创造性行为也与注意力持久性水平的提高有关。



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