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Offline and Online Sexual Risk Behavior among Youth in the Netherlands: Findings from Sex under the Age of 25

机译:荷兰青少年的离线和在线性风险行为:来自 25岁以下性行为的发现



Sexually developing adolescents and emerging adults face sexual health risks as well as potentially negative outcomes of online sexual behaviors. The goal of this study was to describe three categories of sexual risk behavior: (1) behavior related to STI/HIV, (2) behavior related to unplanned pregnancy, and (3) online sexual risk behavior. In addition, we investigated whether these behaviors are actually related to negative (health) outcomes. For this purpose, we used data from a Dutch probability survey: “Sex under the age of 25.” Adolescents and emerging adults aged 12 through 24 (8,053 boys and 12,447 girls) completed a digital questionnaire, including measures of the risk of STI/HIV and pregnancy, online sexual behavior and non-consensual sex. Chi-square tests and logistic regressions were used to test for gender and age differences and compute associations between risk behavior and negative outcomes. The results showed that the risk of unplanned pregnancy is low in the Netherlands. It seems that adolescents and emerging adults are less aware of the risk of STI/HIV than of the risk of pregnancy. About 11% of the participants had had more than one partner in the last 6 months and had not used condoms consistently with their last partner, and these participants had a 3.56 times higher likelihood of ever being diagnosed with an STI. Although many young people stop using condoms with their partner after a while, most of them did not get tested for STIs. More emerging adults (aged 18–24) engage in sexting (sending personal nude pictures and sex videos to others), but the chance that these images are shared with other people than the intended recipient is higher among adolescents (aged 12–17). The results of this study can guide professionals working in sex education and sexual health services to focus their efforts on the risk behaviors in the Netherlands that deserve most attention.
机译:有性发育的青少年和新兴成年人面临性健康风险以及在线性行为的潜在负面结果。这项研究的目的是描述三类性风险行为:(1)与性传播感染/艾滋病相关的行为,(2)与计划外怀孕相关的行为,以及(3)在线性风险行为。此外,我们调查了这些行为是否实际上与负面(健康)结果相关。为此,我们使用了来自荷兰概率调查的数据:“ 25岁以下的性别”。 12至24岁的青少年和新兴成年人(8,053名男孩和12,447名女孩)完成了一份数字问卷,其中包括性传播感染/艾滋病毒和怀孕风险,在线性行为和非自愿性行为的测量。卡方检验和逻辑回归用于检验性别和年龄差异,并计算风险行为与负面结果之间的关联。结果表明,在荷兰意外怀孕的风险较低。似乎青少年和新兴成年人对性传播感染/艾滋病毒的意识比对怀孕的风险了解的少。在过去的6个月中,约有11%的参与者有一个以上的伴侣,并且与上一个伴侣没有始终使用安全套,这些参与者被诊断出STI的可能性高3.56倍。尽管一段时间后,许多年轻人停止与伴侣一起使用安全套,但其中大多数没有经过性传播感染测试。越来越多的新兴成年人(18-24岁)从事色情活动(向其他人发送个人裸体照片和性爱录像带),但与青少年(12-17岁)相比,与他人共享这些图像的可能性更高。这项研究的结果可以指导从事性教育和性健康服务的专业人员将其工作重点放在荷兰最值得关注的风险行为上。



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