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Age-related Changes in Lateral Entorhinal and CA3 Neuron Allocation Predict Poor Performance on Object Discrimination




Age-related memory deficits correlate with dysfunction in the CA3 subregion of the hippocampus, which includes both hyperactivity and overly rigid activity patterns. While changes in intrinsic membrane currents and interneuron alterations are involved in this process, it is not known whether alterations in afferent input to CA3 also contribute. Neurons in layer II of the lateral entorhinal cortex (LEC) project directly to CA3 through the perforant path, but no data are available regarding the effects of advanced age on LEC activity and whether these activity patterns update in response to environmental change. Furthermore, it is not known the extent to which age-related deficits in sensory discrimination relate to the inability of aged CA3 neurons to update in response to new environments. Young and aged rats were pre-characterized on a LEGO© object discrimination task, comparable to behavioral tests in humans in which CA3 hyperactivity has been linked to impairments. The cellular compartment analysis of temporal activity with fluorescence in situ hybridization for the immediate-early gene Arc was then used to identify the principal cell populations that were active during two distinct epochs of random foraging in different environments. This approach enabled the extent to which rats could discriminate two similar objects to be related to the ability of CA3 neurons to update across different environments. In both young and aged rats, there were animals that performed poorly on the LEGO object discrimination task. In the aged rats only, however, the poor performers had a higher percent of CA3 neurons that were active during random foraging in a novel environment, but this is not related to the ability of CA3 neurons to remap when the environment changed. Afferent neurons to CA3 in LEC, as identified with the retrograde tracer choleratoxin B (CTB), also showed a higher percentage of cells that were positive for Arc mRNA in aged poor performing rats. This suggests that LEC contributes to the hyperactivity seen in CA3 of aged animals with object discrimination deficits and age-related cognitive decline may be the consequence of dysfunction endemic to the larger network.
机译:年龄相关的记忆缺陷与海马CA3子区域功能障碍相关,包括活动过度和过度僵化的活动模式。尽管该过程涉及内在膜电流的变化和中间神经元的改变,但尚不清楚CA3传入输入的改变是否也起作用。外侧内嗅皮层(LEC)第II层中的神经元通过穿孔路径直接投射到CA3,但是尚无有关高龄对LEC活动的影响以及这些活动模式是否响应环境变化而更新的数据。此外,尚不清楚与年龄有关的感觉障碍缺陷在多大程度上与老年CA3神经元无法响应新环境而更新有关。年轻人和成年大鼠的特征是在LEGO ©物体识别任务上进行的,与在CA3过度活跃与损伤相关的人类行为测试中可比拟。然后使用针对早期早期基因Arc的荧光原位杂交的时间活性的细胞区室分析来鉴定在不同环境中随机觅食的两个不同时期中活跃的主要细胞群。这种方法使大鼠能够区分两个相似对象的程度与CA3神经元在不同环境中更新的能力有关。在年轻和成年大鼠中,都有动物在乐高物体识别任务中表现不佳。但是,仅在老年大鼠中,表现较差的人具有较高百分比的CA3神经元,它们在新型环境中的随机觅食过程中处于活动状态,但这与CA3神经元在环境变化时重新映射的能力无关。用逆行示踪示踪胆管毒素B(CTB)鉴定,LEC的CA3传入神经元也显示,老年衰弱大鼠的Arc mRNA阳性细胞比例更高。这表明LEC有助于老年动物CA3的活动过度,存在物体歧视缺陷,与年龄相关的认知能力下降可能是较大网络特有的功能障碍的结果。



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