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Unsupervised Temporal Contiguity Experience Does Not Break the Invariance of Orientation Selectivity Across Spatial Frequency




The images projected onto the retina can vary widely for a single object. Despite these transformations primates can quickly and reliably recognize objects. At the neural level, transformation tolerance in monkey inferotemporal cortex is affected by the temporal contiguity statistics of the visual input. Here we investigated whether temporal contiguity learning also influences the basic feature detectors in lower levels of the visual hierarchy, in particular the independent coding of orientation and spatial frequency (SF) in primary visual cortex. Eight male Long Evans rats were repeatedly exposed to a temporal transition between two gratings that changed in SF and had either the same (control SF) or a different (swap SF) orientation. Electrophysiological evidence showed that the responses of single neurons during this exposure were sensitive to the change in orientation. Nevertheless, the tolerance of orientation selectivity for changes in SF was unaffected by the temporal contiguity manipulation, as observed in 239 single neurons isolated pre-exposure and 234 post-exposure. Temporal contiguity learning did not affect orientation selectivity in V1. The basic filter mechanisms that characterize V1 processing seem unaffected by temporal contiguity manipulations.
机译:对于单个物体,投射到视网膜上的图像可能会有很大差异。尽管进行了这些转换,但灵长类仍可以快速可靠地识别对象。在神经水平上,猴子颞下皮质的转化耐受性受视觉输入的时间连续性统计影响。在这里,我们调查了时间连续性学习是否还会影响较低视觉层次的基本特征检测器,尤其是主要视觉皮层中方向和空间频率(SF)的独立编码。八只雄性Long Evans大鼠反复暴露于两个在SF中改变且具有相同(对照SF)或不同(交换SF)方向的光栅之间的时间过渡。电生理证据表明,在此暴露过程中单个神经元的反应对方向的变化很敏感。然而,如在239个单独的神经元暴露前和234个暴露后分离中所观察到的那样,时间选择性对顺铂变化的耐受性不受时间连续性影响。时间连续性学习不会影响V1中的方向选择性。表征V1处理的基本过滤器机制似乎不受时间连续性操作的影响。



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