首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience >Activity in Neurons of a Putative Protocerebral Circuit Representing Information about a 10 Component Plant Odor Blend in Heliothis virescens

Activity in Neurons of a Putative Protocerebral Circuit Representing Information about a 10 Component Plant Odor Blend in Heliothis virescens




The olfactory pathway in the insect brain is anatomically well described from the antennal lobe (AL) to the mushroom bodies and the lateral protocerebrum (LP) in several species. Less is known about the further connections of the olfactory network in protocerebrum and how information about relevant plant odorants and mixtures are represented in this network, resulting in output information mediated by descending neurons. In the present study we have recorded intracellularly followed by dye injections from neurons in the LP and superior protocerebrum (SP) of the moth, Heliothis virescens. As relevant stimuli, we have used selected primary plant odorants and mixtures of them. The results provide the morphology and physiological responses of neurons involved in a putative circuit connecting the mushroom body lobes, the SP, and the LP, as well as input to SP and LP by one multiglomerular AL neuron and output from the LP by one descending neuron. All neurons responded to a particular mixture of ten primary plant odorants, some of them also to single odorants of the mixture. Altogether, the physiological data indicate integration in protocerebral neurons of information from several of the receptor neuron types functionally described in this species.
机译:昆虫大脑中的嗅觉途径在解剖学上已被很好地描述,从触角叶(AL)到蘑菇体和外侧原脑(LP)都在几种物种中。关于前脑中嗅觉网络的进一步连接以及如何在该网络中表示有关植物异味剂和混合物的信息的信息知之甚少,从而导致输出信息由下降的神经元介导。在目前的研究中,我们已经记录了细胞内的继发性侵染,该侵染是由飞蛾Heliothis virescens的LP和上原脑(SP)的神经元进行的。作为相关刺激,我们使用了精选的主要植物气味剂及其混合物。结果提供了连接蘑菇体叶,SP和LP的假定回路中涉及的神经元的形态和生理反应,以及一个多肾小球AL神经元输入到SP和LP以及一个下降神经元从LP输出的结果。 。所有神经元都对十种主要植物气味的特定混合物作出反应,其中一些对混合物中的单一气味也有反应。总体而言,生理数据表明该物种功能性描述的几种受体神经元类型的信息已整合到前脑神经元中。



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