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Toward Elimination of Dog-Mediated Human Rabies: Experiences from Implementing a Large-scale Demonstration Project in Southern Tanzania




A Rabies Elimination Demonstration Project was implemented in Tanzania from 2010 through to 2015, bringing together government ministries from the health and veterinary sectors, the World Health Organization, and national and international research institutions. Detailed data on mass dog vaccination campaigns, bite exposures, use of post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP), and human rabies deaths were collected throughout the project duration and project areas. Despite no previous experience in dog vaccination within the project areas, district veterinary officers were able to implement district-wide vaccination campaigns that, for most part, progressively increased the numbers of dogs vaccinated with each phase of the project. Bite exposures declined, particularly in the southernmost districts with the smallest dog populations, and health workers successfully transitioned from primarily intramuscular administration of PEP to intradermal administration, resulting in major cost savings. However, even with improved PEP provision, vaccine shortages still occurred in some districts. In laboratory diagnosis, there were several logistical challenges in sample handling and submission but compared to the situation before the project started, there was a moderate increase in the number of laboratory samples submitted and tested for rabies in the project areas with a decrease in the proportion of rabies-positive samples over time. The project had a major impact on public health policy and practice with the formation of a One Health Coordination Unit at the Prime Minister’s Office and development of the Tanzania National Rabies Control Strategy, which lays a roadmap for elimination of rabies in Tanzania by 2030 by following the Stepwise Approach towards Rabies Elimination (SARE). Overall, the project generated many important lessons relevant to rabies prevention and control in particular and disease surveillance in general. Lessons include the need for (1) a specific unit in the government for managing disease surveillance; (2) application of innovative data collection and management approaches such as the use of mobile phones; (3) close cooperation and effective communication among all key sectors and stakeholders; and (4) flexible and adaptive programs that can incorporate new information to improve their delivery, and overcome challenges of logistics and procurement.
机译:从2010年到2015年,坦桑尼亚实施了狂犬病消除示范项目,汇聚了来自卫生和兽医部门的政府部门,世界卫生组织以及国家和国际研究机构。在整个项目期间和项目区域内,收集了有关大规模狗疫苗接种运动,咬伤暴露,暴露后预防措施(PEP)以及人类狂犬病死亡的详细数据。尽管在该项目区域内没有狗疫苗接种的经验,但是地区兽医仍能够实施全区疫苗接种运动,这在很大程度上使该项目每个阶段的狗疫苗接种数量逐渐增加。叮咬的风险有所下降,尤其是在狗只人口最少的最南部地区,卫生工作者成功地从最初的PEP肌肉内给药过渡到了皮内给药,从而节省了大量成本。但是,即使PEP规定有所改善,在某些地区仍然出现疫苗短缺的情况。在实验室诊断中,样品处理和提交方面存在一些后勤方面的挑战,但与项目开始之前的情况相比,项目区域中提交和检测的狂犬病实验室样品数量有所增加,但比例有所下降随着时间的流逝狂犬病阳性样本。该项目对公共卫生政策和实践产生了重大影响,在总理办公室组建了一个卫生协调股,并制定了《坦桑尼亚国家狂犬病控制战略》,该战略为在坦桑尼亚到2030年消除狂犬病奠定了路线图。消除狂犬病的循序渐进方法(SARE)。总体而言,该项目产生了许多与狂犬病的预防和控制特别是总体上的疾病监测有关的重要教训。经验教训包括:(1)政府中有特定部门来管理疾病监测; (2)应用创新的数据收集和管理方法,例如使用手机; (三)各关键部门和利益相关方之间密切合​​作,有效沟通; (4)灵活,适应性强的计划,可以合并新信息以改善其交付能力,并克服物流和采购方面的挑战。


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