首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Frontiers in Veterinary Science >Role of a Bacillus subtilis Direct-Fed Microbial on Digesta Viscosity Bacterial Translocation and Bone Mineralization in Turkey Poults Fed with a Rye-Based Diet

Role of a Bacillus subtilis Direct-Fed Microbial on Digesta Viscosity Bacterial Translocation and Bone Mineralization in Turkey Poults Fed with a Rye-Based Diet




Rye contains high concentrations of non-starch polysaccharides (NSPs), leading to reduced digestibility. Since poultry have little or no endogenous enzymes capable of hydrolyzing these NSP, exogenous carbohydrases as feed additives are used in an attempt to reduce the anti-nutritional effects of these polysaccharides. Previously, an in vitro study conducted in our laboratory showed that inclusion of certain Bacillus direct-fed microbial (DFM) candidates that produce exogenous phytase, lipase, protease, cellulase, and xylanase in high-NSP diets significantly reduced both digesta viscosity and Clostridium perfringens proliferation. In the present study, rye-based turkey starter diets with or without Bacillus-DFM were administered ad libitum to day-of-hatch turkey poults in two independent experiments. In both experiments, day-of-hatch turkey poults were randomly assigned to either a control diet (CON) or a DFM treated diet (n = 25 birds/group). At 10 days-of-age, all turkey poults from experiments 1 and 2 were weighted and 12 turkey poults/group were randomly selected and humanely killed. Liver samples were aseptically collected to evaluate bacterial translocation, and intestinal digesta samples were individually collected to evaluate viscosity. Additionally, in experiment 2 both tibias were removed for assessment of bone parameters. In both experiments, the treated group showed a reduction in the total number of coliforms in the liver and a reduced digesta viscosity when compared to the CON group (P < 0.05). Turkey poults fed the Bacillus-DFM candidate had increased tibia diameter, breaking strength, ash content, calcium content, and phosphorus content when compared with CON turkey poults. In summary, turkey poults fed with a rye-based diet without DFM showed an increase in bacterial translocation and digesta viscosity, accompanied by a reduction in bone mineralization; however, these adverse effects can be prevented by the inclusion of selected a Bacillus-DFM candidate in high-NSP diets.
机译:黑麦含有高浓度的非淀粉多糖(NSP),导致消化率降低。由于家禽几乎没有或没有能够水解这些NSP的内源性酶,因此使用外源性糖酶作为饲料添加剂来尝试降低这些多糖的抗营养作用。以前,在我们实验室进行的一项体外研究表明,在高NSP饮食中包含某些可产生外源植酸酶,脂肪酶,蛋白酶,纤维素酶和木聚糖酶的芽孢杆菌直接饲喂微生物(DFM)候选物,可显着降低消化酶粘度和产气荚膜梭菌(Clostridium perfringens)增殖。在本研究中,在两个独立的实验中,将有或没有芽孢杆菌DFM的基于黑麦的火鸡起始日粮随意喂给孵化日的火鸡家禽。在两个实验中,将孵化日的家禽随机分配给对照饮食(CON)或DFM处理的饮食(n == 25羽/组)。在成年10天时,对来自实验1和2的所有火鸡家禽进行称重,并随机选择每组12个火鸡家禽并进行人道杀害。无菌收集肝脏样品以评估细菌的转运,并单独收集肠消化物样品以评估粘度。另外,在实验2中,两个胫骨均被切除,以评估骨参数。在两个实验中,与CON组相比,治疗组的肝脏中大肠菌总数减少,消化黏度降低(P <0.05)。与CON火鸡家禽相比,饲喂芽孢杆菌-DFM候选物的土耳其家禽胫骨直径,断裂强度,灰分,钙含量和磷含量增加。总之,饲喂不含DFM的基于黑麦的日粮的火鸡显示出细菌易位和消化道黏度的增加,同时伴有骨矿化的减少。但是,可以通过在高NSP饮食中加入选择的芽孢杆菌DFM候选物来预防这些不良反应。



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