首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Genes Development >windbeutel a gene required for dorsoventral patterning in Drosophila encodes a protein that has homologies to vertebrate proteins of the endoplasmic reticulum

windbeutel a gene required for dorsoventral patterning in Drosophila encodes a protein that has homologies to vertebrate proteins of the endoplasmic reticulum




The formation of the dorsoventral axis of the Drosophila embryo depends on cell–cell interactions that take place in the female ovary and involve the activation of transmembrane receptors by secreted ligands. The gene windbeutel functions in the somatic follicle cells of the ovary and is required for the generation of a signal that will determine the ventral side of the embryo. This signal originates in the follicle cells during oogenesis, but its actions are only manifested after fertilization, when the egg has already been laid. We have performed a molecular analysis of windbeutel. We have found that windbeutel encodes a putative resident protein of the endoplasmic reticulum, and has homologs in rats and humans. The gene is expressed for a brief period of time in the follicle cells of the ovary, at around the time when the dorsoventral axis of the egg chamber is first established. We propose that Windbeutel is responsible for the folding and/or modification of a specific factor that is secreted from the follicle cells and participates in the activation of the ventralizing signal.
机译:果蝇胚胎的背腹轴的形成取决于雌性卵巢中发生的细胞间相互作用,并涉及分泌的配体激活跨膜受体。 windbeutel基因在卵巢的体性卵泡细胞中发挥功能,是产生决定胚胎腹侧的信号所必需的。该信号在卵子发生过程中起源于卵泡细胞,但是其作用仅在受精后已经产下卵时才表现出来。我们已经对windbeutel进行了分子分析。我们已经发现,windbeutel编码内质网的假定的驻留蛋白,并在大鼠和人类中具有同源物。该基因在卵巢的卵泡细胞中短暂表达,大约是在首次建立卵腔的腹背轴时。我们建议Windbeutel负责折叠和/或修饰从卵泡细胞分泌的特定因子,并参与腹侧信号的激活。



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