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Establishing and Scaling-Up Clinical Social Franchise Networks: Lessons Learned From Marie Stopes International and Population Services International




In many low- and middle-income countries, a majority of people seek health care from the private sector. However, fragmentation, poor economies of scale, inadequate financing, political opposition, a bias toward curative services, and weak regulatory and quality control systems pose serious challenges for the private sector. Social franchising addresses a number of these challenges by organizing small, independent health care businesses into quality-assured networks. Global franchisors Marie Stopes International (MSI) and Population Services International (PSI) have rapidly scaled their family planning social franchising programs in recent years, jointly delivering over 10.8 million couple-years of protection (CYPs) in 2014—up 26% from 8.6 million CYPs just 1 year prior. Drawing on experience across MSI’s 17 and PSI’s 25 social franchise networks across Africa, Asia, and Latin America and the Caribbean, this article documents the organizations’ operational approaches, challenges faced, and solutions implemented. The organizations provide intensive capacity building and support for private-sector providers, including clinical training, branding, monitoring quality of franchised services, and commodity support. In addition, franchising programs engage providers and clients through behavior change communication (BCC) and demand generation activities to raise awareness and to attract clients, and they implement initiatives to ensure services are affordable for the lowest-income clients. Social franchise programs offer the private sector a collective platform to better engage government in health policy advocacy and for integrating into new public health care financing and procurement mechanisms. The future of social franchising will require developing approaches to scale-up and sustain the model cost-effectively, selectively integrating other health services into the franchise package, and being responsive to evolving health care financing approaches with the potential to contribute to universal health coverage.
机译:在许多低收入和中等收入国家,大多数人从私营部门寻求医疗保健。但是,分散化,规模经济不佳,融资不足,政治反对派,偏向于提供治疗服务以及监管和质量控制体系薄弱,对私营部门构成了严峻挑战。社会特许经营通过将小型独立的医疗保健企业组织到质量有保证的网络中来解决这些挑战。近年来,全球特许经营商玛丽·斯托斯国际(MSI)和人口服务国际(PSI)迅速扩大了其计划生育社会特许经营计划,在2014年共同提供了1,080万对夫妇的保护年(CYP),比860万增长了26%。 CYP仅一年前。借助MSI在非洲,亚洲以及拉丁美洲和加勒比海地区的17个和PSI的25个社会特许经营网络的经验,本文记录了这些组织的运营方法,面临的挑战和实施的解决方案。这些组织为私营部门提供者提供密集的能力建设和支持,包括临床培训,品牌推广,监测特许服务的质量以及商品支持。此外,特许经营计划通过行为改变交流(BCC)和需求生成活动来吸引提供者和客户,以提高认识并吸引客户,并且他们实施举措以确保最低收入客户可以负担得起服务。社会特许经营计划为私营部门提供了一个集体平台,以使政府更好地参与卫生政策的倡导,并融入新的公共卫生筹资和采购机制。未来的社会特许经营将需要开发方法来扩大规模并以经济有效的方式维持该模型,将其他医疗服务有选择地纳入特许经营计划,并响应不断发展的医疗保健筹资方法,从而有可能促进全民健康覆盖。



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