首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Hand (New York N.Y.) >Delayed Surgical Debridement and Use of Semiocclusive Dressings for Salvage of Fingers After Purpura Fulminans

Delayed Surgical Debridement and Use of Semiocclusive Dressings for Salvage of Fingers After Purpura Fulminans




>Background: Purpura fulminans is a condition characterized by rapidly evolving skin necrosis and disseminated intravascular coagulation. Early recognition and aggressive supportive management has led to a decrease in its mortality rate, but most of these patients must undergo extensive soft tissue debridement and partial or total limb amputation. There is controversial evidence about the timing of surgery, suggesting that some patients may benefit from delayed debridement with limb preservation. >Methods: We present a case of an 86-year-old patient who developed skin necrosis of his four limbs after infectious purpura fulminans. He was treated in the ICU with supportive measures and antibiotic treatment. Surgical debridement was delayed for 4 weeks until necrosis delimitation. >Results: Only upper extremity debridement was necessary. Four fingers, including one thumb, were salvaged and successfully treated with semi-occlusive dressing without complications. >Conclusion: Early recognition of infectious PF and timely supportive management are important pillars of its treatment. Delayed surgical debridement allows for less aggressive resection and good functional outcome.
机译:>背景:暴发性紫癜是一种以迅速发展的皮肤坏死和弥散性血管内凝血为特征的疾病。早期识别和积极的支持治疗已导致其死亡率降低,但这些患者大多数必须进行广泛的软组织清创术和部分或全部肢体截肢。关于手术时机有争议的证据,表明一些患者可能因保留肢体而延迟清创术而受益。 >方法:我们介绍了一例86岁的病人,该病人在感染了感染性紫癜后四肢出现皮肤坏死。他在ICU接受了支持性措施和抗生素治疗。手术清创延迟了4周,直到坏死界限。 >结果:仅需要上肢清创术。挽救了包括一根拇指在内的四根手指,并成功地用半封闭敷料进行了治疗,而没有发生并发症。 >结论:感染性PF的早期识别和及时的支持管理是其治疗的重要支柱。延迟的手术清创术可减少积极的切除和良好的功能预后。



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