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What makes the dyspeptic patient feel ill? A cross sectional survey of functional health status Helicobacter pylori infection and psychological distress in dyspeptic patients in general practice




BACKGROUND—Dyspepsia is prevalent in about 30% of the general population in Europe, but only 25% of people with complaints consult their general practitioner.
AIMS—To study the relation between the severity of dyspeptic complaints and the health status of patients presenting to the general practitioner; and the relation with patient characteristics, Helicobacter pylori infection, and psychological distress.
METHODS—A cross sectional, general practice based survey of 360 unselected primary care dyspeptic patients from 92 general practices in The Netherlands was conducted. Symptom severity was measured using a validated symptom score, H pylori using a whole blood test, and psychological distress using the GHQ-12 test. Functional health status was assessed using the COOP/Wonca charts.
RESULTS—Symptoms lasting more than three months and presence of relevant psychological distress were both associated with higher levels of dyspepsia. H pylori infection, frequency of symptoms, and age had no influence on dyspepsia severity. Severity of dyspepsia and psychological distress, but not H pylori infection or duration of symptoms, affected health status univariately. Dyspepsia correlated with general health, daily activities, and social activities. In logistic modelling, health status was far better predicted by psychological distress than by dyspepsia severity.
CONCLUSION—The relation between dyspeptic symptom severity and health status is limited. H pylori infection relates neither to functional health status, nor to intensity of dyspepsia. Psychological distress is a major determinant of impaired health of dyspeptic patients in general practice and may be the clue to improvement of health status in many dyspeptic patients.

Keywords: dyspepsia; health status; general practice; Helicobacter pylori; psychological distress
目标-研究消化不良的抱怨的严重程度与健康状况之间的关系。向全科医生求诊的患者;方法-一项横断面,基于一般实践的调查,对来自荷兰92个常规实践的360名未经选择的初级保健消化不良患者进行了调查。症状严重程度使用经过验证的症状评分进行测量,幽门螺杆菌使用全血检查进行测量,心理困扰使用GHQ-12进行检查。使用COOP / Wonca图表评估功能性健康状况。




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