
Double jeopardy




Torsades de pointes (“twisting of points”) (TdP) is a broad complex tachyarrhythmia which was first described in 1966 by Francois Dessertenne and usually results from prolongation of the QT interval. A wide variety of drugs have been shown to prolong the QT interval in susceptible individuals. We present the case of a former intravenous heroin user presenting with several episodes of TdP which were caused by QT prolongation due to methadone treatment and exacerbated by hepatitis B/C infection. Despite aggressive medical treatment and withdrawal of methadone, he had recurrent episodes of TdP which required continuous temporary cardiac pacing for six days. He was found to have moderate LV dysfunction on his echocardiogram and unobstructed coronary arteries on coronary angiography. He underwent implantation of a defibrillator due to concerns about further episodes of ventricular arrhythmias which could recur even in the absence of further methadone use.
机译:扭转性扭转性心律失常(TdP)是一种广泛的复杂性快速性心律失常,由Francois Dessertenne于1966年首次描述,通常是由于QT间隔延长引起的。已经显示出多种药物可以延长易感人群的QT间隔。我们介绍了一个前海洛因静脉注射使用者的案例,该使用者出现了几起TdP发作,这些发作是由于美沙酮治疗导致的QT延长而引起的,并因乙型/丙型肝炎感染而加剧。尽管进行了积极的药物治疗并停用了美沙酮,但他仍反复发作TdP,需要连续临时进行心脏起搏六天。在超声心动图上发现他患有中度LV功能障碍,在冠状动脉造影上发现他的冠状动脉通畅。由于担心进一步的室性心律失常发作,他接受了除颤器的植入,即使不进一步使用美沙酮也可能复发。



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