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Role of Bacterial Vaginosis in Peripartum Infections




Objective: The purpose of this prospective investigation was to determine if the presence of bacterial vaginosis (BV) at the time of delivery was associated with the development of maternal and neonatal infection.Methods: Vaginal fluid was collected from 390 laboring patients. Smears of the vaginal secretions were gram stained, and slides were scored and interpreted as normal, intermediate, and BV based on Gram's stain criteria. Results of the Gram's stains were correlated with the clinical diagnoses of chorioamnionitis, endometritis, and neonatal sepsis.Results: Eighty-eight percent of patients were term and 12% were preterm. The overall prevalence of BV was 30%. The frequency of BV was similar in both term and preterm women. BV was significantly more prevalent among nonwhites than whites (37% vs. 25%, P = 0.005). Maternal characteristics such as mean age, parity, status of the membranes, mean duration of labor, mean duration of ruptured membranes, mean length of fetal monitoring, mean number of vaginal examinations, and mode of delivery were similar in patients with BV, intermediate, and normal Gram's stains. Forty-seven (12%) women developed peripartum infection. The frequencies of chorioamnionitis or endometritis in women with BV or intermediate Gram's stains were 19/116 (16.4%) and 11/63 (17.5%), respectively. The frequency in each of the 2 groups was significantly increased compared with the rate in women with normal Gram's stains: 17/211 (8.1%), [P = 0.034, OR = 2.0 (95% CI, 1.07–3.73) for BV and P = 0.054, OR = 2.1 (95% CI, 1.12–3.94) for intermediate Gram's stain]. The incidence of suspected or confirmed neonatal infection was significantly higher in mothers with intermediate Gram's stains compared with mothers with normal Gram's stains (P = 0.02,OR = 2.18, 95% CI, 1.12–3.94), while no difference in incidence was observed between motherswith BV and normal Gram's stains (P > 0.05). The rate of neonatal infection directly correlatedwith maternal group B streptococcal colonization rather than with BV.Conclusions: In this population, patients with BV and intermediate Gram's stains had an increasedfrequency of peripartum infection.
机译:目的:这项前瞻性调查的目的是确定分娩时细菌性阴道病(BV)的存在是否与母体和新生儿感染的发生有关。方法:从390名劳动者中收集阴道液。阴道分泌物涂片进行革兰氏染色,根据格拉姆氏染色标准对玻片进行评分并解释为正常,中度和BV。革兰氏染色结果与绒毛膜羊膜炎,子宫内膜炎和新生儿败血症的临床诊断相关。结果:足月患者为88%,早产患者为12%。 BV的总体患病率为30%。足月和早产妇女的BV频率相似。非白人人群中BV的发生率明显高于白人(37%比25%,P = 0.005)。 BV,中度,和正常的革兰氏渍。四十七(12%)名妇女发生了围产期感染。 BV或中度革兰氏染色的女性绒毛膜羊膜炎或子宫内膜炎的发生率分别为19/116(16.4%)和11/63(17.5%)。与正常革兰氏染色的女性相比,两组的发生率均显着增加:BV和BV分别为17/211(8.1%),[P = 0.034,OR = 2.0(95%CI,1.07–3.73)。对于中等革兰氏染色,P = 0.054,OR = 2.1(95%CI,1.12-3.94)。具有中等革兰氏染色的母亲比具有正常革兰氏染色的母亲怀疑或确诊新生儿感染的发生率显着更高(P = 0.02,OR = 2.18,95%CI,1.12-3.94),而母亲之间的发病率没有差异BV和正常革兰氏染色(P> 0.05)。新生儿感染率直接相关结论:在该人群中,患有BV和中度革兰氏染色的患者BV链球菌定植而不是BV。围产期感染的频率。



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