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Clinical Significance of Credés Prophylaxis in Germany at Present




The introduction of silver nitrate for prophylaxis of gonococcal ophthalmia neonatorum is one of the milestones of preventive medicine. However, in our time an increasing necessity to review Credé's prophylaxis from both a human rights and a medical standpoint is required. The chairmen of the obstetrics and gynecology departments of the German university hospitals were questioned to learn about their policy and experience. Data were provided by 22 of 28 consulted institutions, representing 31,700 annual deliveries seen over a mean period of 5.5 years. Ocular prophylaxis was in use in 16 (73%) of the reporting hospitals (1% silver nitrate in 14 and gentamicin in 2). A nonspecific conjunctival reaction occurred in 5–10% of the newborns, but no major side effects were seen. Non-gonococcal ophthalmia neonatorum was observed in less than 0.1%; however, institutions without a preventive policy reported up to a 5% incidence of neonatal conjunctivitis, mostly due to Staphylococcus aureus, as well as Neisseria gonorrhoeae in two newborns. Application of silver nitrate is considered a necessary prophylactic measure and safe if it is properly administered. However, major efforts should be directed toward its replacement by alternative antiseptic substances as well as toward chlamydial screening and therapy in pregnancy.
机译:引入硝酸银预防新生儿淋球菌性眼炎是预防医学的里程碑之一。但是,在我们这个时代,越来越需要从人权和医学角度审查克雷德的预防措施。询问了德国大学医院的妇产科主任,以了解他们的政策和经验。由28个咨询机构中的22个提供了数据,代表平均5.5年内看到的31,700例年度交付量。进行报告的医院中有16家(73%)采用了预防眼病的方法(14家中的硝酸银1%,庆大霉素中的2%)。 5-10%的新生儿发生非特异性结膜反应,但未见主要副作用。观察到非淋球菌性眼炎的比例小于0.1%;然而,没有预防政策的机构报告新生儿结膜炎的发生率高达5%,这主要是由于两个新生儿的金黄色葡萄球菌和淋病奈瑟菌所致。硝酸银的施用被认为是必要的预防措施,并且如果正确使用,则是安全的。但是,应大力致力于用替代的防腐剂替代它,以及在妊娠期间进行衣原体筛查和治疗。



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