首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Infection and Immunity >Changes in lactoferrin immunoglobulin G bovine serum albumin and alpha-lactalbumin during acute experimental and natural coliform mastitis in cows.

Changes in lactoferrin immunoglobulin G bovine serum albumin and alpha-lactalbumin during acute experimental and natural coliform mastitis in cows.




An experimentally induced Escherichia coli infection of a bovine mammary gland resulted in a 30-fold increase in lactoferrin (Lf) concentration in the mammary secretion by 90 h postinoculation and a 4-fold increase in total daily production of Lf by 264 h postinoculation in the infected quarter. A simultaneous rise and fall of bovine serum albumin (BSA) and immunoglobulin G (IgG) concentrations occurred during the acute phase of the infection. Peak BSA and IgG levels were reached 36 h before peak Lf levels. BSA concentrations declined rapidly after the acute phase, whereas IgG and Lf levels remained elevated and decreased slowly as the infection subsided. A decline in alpha-lactalbumin concentration by 48 h postinoculation indicated decreased synthetic capability. The increased Lf production may be a result of a specific response of secretory tissue to inflammatory agents and thus the infectious process. Analogous changes in Lf, IgG, and BSA were observed during a natural coliform infection. Sephadex G-200 chromatography of mastitis skim milk showed that Lf approximated the monomer (molecular weight 77,100) early in infections progressed and abated, the apparent molecular weight of Lf increased to approximately that of the trimer and subsequently decreased to about 1.5 times that of the monomer.
机译:实验诱导的牛乳腺大肠杆菌感染导致接种后90 h,乳腺分泌物中的乳铁蛋白(Lf)浓度增加30倍,而接种后264 h,Lf的每日总生产量增加4倍。被感染的季度。在感染的急性期,牛血清白蛋白(BSA)和免疫球蛋白G(IgG)浓度同时上升和下降。在Lf峰值之前36小时,BSA和IgG峰值达到峰值。急性期后,BSA浓度迅速下降,而随着感染消退,IgG和Lf含量保持升高和缓慢下降。接种48小时后α-乳清蛋白浓度下降表明合成能力降低。 Lf产生增加可能是分泌组织对炎性因子的特异性反应所致,因此也是感染过程的结果。在自然大肠菌感染期间,观察到Lf,IgG和BSA的类似变化。乳腺炎脱脂乳的Sephadex G-200色谱分析表明,在感染进展并减轻的早期,Lf接近单体(分子量77,100),Lf的表观分子量增加到三聚体的大约分子量,随后下降到三聚体的1.5倍左右。单体。



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