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How old is that child? Validating the accuracy of age assignments in observational surveys of vehicle restraint use




>Objectives: Many large scale observational studies of child restraint usage require observers to estimate the ages of the vehicle occupants. The accuracy of age assignments were assessed and possible methods to improve observational accuracy in research and field studies of child restraint use were identified. >Methods: The validation study was performed at fast food restaurants in a metropolitan area. Three, two person teams observed 449 occupants of vehicles with at least one child passenger. The drivers were then interviewed to obtain the actual ages of the vehicle occupants. The primary outcome measure was the per cent of age assignments that were correct by age category (infant, toddler, school age, teen, adult). The observers had previously conducted a statewide child restraint observation study and were trained in estimating age categories. >Results: A total of 391 (87%) of the 449 occupants were assigned to their correct age categories. Incorrect assignments were more common among infants (22% incorrect), but few infants (nine) were observed. The most frequent error was classifying adults (19 years and older) as teenagers (13–18 years). >Conclusion: Trained, experienced observers approached 90% accuracy in their assignment of children to specific age categories. Additional study is required to determine whether these results are applicable to different age categories and observers. It is recommended that the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, state and local agencies, and other sponsors of observational surveys consider observer competence as an important variable. The validity of age assignments can be assessed by randomly interviewing a sample of drivers. More accurate age estimates will improve decisions regarding prevention programs, funding, and policies.
机译:>目标:许多有关儿童约束装置使用情况的大规模观察性研究都要求观察员估算车辆乘员的年龄。评估了年龄分配的准确性,并确定了提高使用儿童约束系统的研究和实地研究中观察准确性的可能方法。 >方法:验证研究是在大都市地区的快餐店进行的。三人组成的两个人小组观察了449名车辆乘员,其中至少有一名儿童乘客。然后对驾驶员进行了采访,以获取车辆乘员的实际年龄。主要结果指标是按年龄类别(婴儿,学步,入学年龄,青少年,成人)正确的年龄分配百分比。观察员此前曾在全州进行儿童约束观察研究,并接受了估计年龄类别的培训。 >结果:449位居住者中有391位(占87%)被分配了正确的年龄类别。婴儿的不正确分配更为常见(22%的错误),但观察到的婴儿很少(九个)。最常见的错误是将成人(19岁以上)分类为青少年(13-18岁)。 >结论:受过训练,经验丰富的观察员在将儿童分配到特定年龄类别时达到了90%的准确性。需要进行进一步的研究以确定这些结果是否适用于不同的年龄类别和观察者。建议国家公路交通安全管理局,疾病预防控制中心,州和地方机构以及其他观察调查的发起者将观察员的能力视为重要变量。年龄分配的有效性可以通过随机采访驾驶员样本来评估。更准确的年龄估计将改善有关预防计划,资金和政策的决策。



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